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Everything posted by THEHARDTRUTH

  1. Thats it. Take your ball and go home. Your looking at today. Im looking at this year, the last seventeen years, and the next five. You want to disagree. Thats fine. Dont be a crybaby because we have different views.
  2. Zero playoff appearances. Yep. Should have kept them all. Should have probably given Gilmore Dareus money and made Watkins the highest paid guy in the league.
  3. We can miss the playoffs just as easily without him as we did with him. Anybody not on board with the Mcbeane program is gone. Its obviously going to take some time but I fully expect them to turn this around by bringing in guys how want to play hard all the time. These GREAT players many are bemoaning the loss of (gilmore dareus watkins) have ZERO playoff appearances among them. Exactly what the pluck are we missing. Guys who want top buck to not make the playoffs. Tradavious White has made more big plays in nine games than I remember Gilmore making his entire freaking career here. I dont care how talented you are. If your dramatically underperforming goodbye. There is a much bigger picture here. Have you fun now. Ill be the one saying I told you so in a few years. Dont care about the dead money. Much bigger picture at stake.
  4. Still havent answered the question.
  5. Mcbeane made exactly the right decision. You dont pay average players 16 million a season. Dareus was getting paid for his first five years in the league. Not his last two plus.
  6. Answer the question! Explain how hes worth 16 million a year!
  7. Feel free to look at his performance post 100 million dollar deal and tell me he was worth that kind of money. I could use a good laugh right about now.
  8. Must feel good to derive vinication out of a loss like this. Bet your rooting for more losses like this so you can puff out your chest and pretend that fatsos absence is the reason why.
  9. Its actually clueless apologist wonders like yourself that make fandom toxic.
  10. You want me to apologize? Ok. Im sorry Dareus is a fat tub of crap who didnt even come close to earning his money. Im sorry he was late to dozens of meetings during his time here. Im sorry he got busted with synthetic pot. My apologies that he was drag racing on rte 20. Yep. Sorry about all of that. Also sorry he got more sacks in the last year of his first contract than the next 2 plus years of his current contract. Totally apologize for all of it.
  11. Lookin like 2011 all over???????
  12. Way to give it some time. FIRE EVERYBODY!!!!
  13. Tyrod is a top five qb in this league. Maybe top three. Has zero talent around him. Give him an oline and two quality wrs and hed easily throw for 40 tds and 5000 yards per year.
  14. So why read it?
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