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Everything posted by THEHARDTRUTH

  1. Plenty to worry about. Its the Bills and worse Benjamin is McBeanes boy. I definitely see them doing something stupid like that.
  2. Why do I get the feeling the Bills are going to resign this guy for 6 years at 17 million a season.
  3. Yep. Your simply not smart enough to figure it out.
  4. Bills are going to have to be patient on this one. A rookie qb with great raw talent who needs developement surrounded by marginal talent. Gonna be a real test of Allens mental toughness. Let the unintentional tank begin. 3-13 here we come.
  5. Thanks for playing Nate. Don Pardo has some nice partings gifts for you on the way out the door.
  6. You manage to look dumber with every post. Good job.
  7. Pretty much what this board is about Chemical. If your looking for intelligent conversation regarding the Bills you are in the wrong place.
  8. Fantastic opportunity for you tards. I've got a great idea for a movie and you morons can actually be in it. No acting skills necessary. Just be your usual moronic selves. Remember The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt. As the movie went on he got younger and younger. Well you clowns could star in The Curious Case of the Trumptards. But instead of getting younger, you imbeciles get dumber and dumber as time goes on. Now I know many people might get confused and think this is a documentary but well throw in enough plot twists to convince the general public that its purely fiction. At least for the moment. Probably gonna be a tough sell but well work it out. Sign up now. Space is limited. This your chance to finally leave that pizza delivery job and move out of moms basement.
  9. What John McCain excreted into the toilet is better than you will ever be scumbag.
  10. Its impossible to make a point with a moron like yourself.
  11. Yep. Nothing to see here. Just two more bombs getting dropped on Trumps head today. First its the National Enquirer CEO cutting a deal. Now the Manhattan DA is considering charges against the Trump Organization but your right tards, just fake news. Im sure you'll wake up tomorrow and it will all be gone. LMFAO. You dbags manage to look even dumber than the day before. Over and over and over. I really dont know how its possible to grow exponentially dumber by the minute but you clowns have rewritten history with this incredible achievement.
  12. They are losing their minds and it is absolutely awesome. Hi Tommy boy. Did you play with your DC pee pee today?
  13. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/403395-manhattan-da-may-pursue-criminal-charges-against-trump?amp Bummer. Now the Trump Organization is getting scrutinized. Got a feeling Donnie Boy is gonna be getting those tax returns ready whether his slimy behind likes it or not. The wave just keeps getting higher and higher. Bet they uncover all sorts of criminal activity in the cheesburger mafia. How's my grammar tards? Any better? Ill keep working on it. You bozos might want to hit the law library. President Fatso is going to need your help. Big time.
  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/23/national-enquirer-david-pecker-told-prosecutors-trump-knew-of-cohen-payments-report.html I havent had this much fun I think ever. Enjoy the ride Trump fans. The clock is ticking.
  15. My grammars just as good as Trumps. That is ironic isnt it?
  16. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/23/17772540/trump-flipping-almost-illegal-manafort-cohen Why oh why does President Cheeseburger care so much about Cohen flipping? Its not like Cohens gonna slip into his office and steal those triple loaded pizza supremes President Fatso is hiding under his desk. Donnie boy did nothing wrong (except maybe triple dip the chip at the Mar a lago cocktail party this weekend). Why is he so concerned about Cohen? Maybe you can fill me in morons. Is this really just another attempt at distraction? Is Trump really worried about somebody raiding the snack chest in the oval office and this is just some bizarre cover? Your thoughts(as simple as they are) would really be appreciated.
  17. Ill bet you will. Your dumb enough to do just that. Like I said. Delusional Rhino. Just make sure your here when the impeachment and resignation go down. My hunch is youll be in a corner sucking your thumb hugging your Trump doll.
  18. Because you cant. Typical Trumptard. Enjoy the impeachment proceedings and the resignation. Its gonna be great.
  19. Just did. Dont think "new information coming to light" rises to the level of "the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal." Thats right out of the statute. He said earlier the pleas were highly suspect. I asked for facts that support that argument and he came back with a bunch of crap. Since your the legal expert feel free to take his place. Get me some facts and case law that support his position. Facts are the most important thing here. Im sure youll be able to find cases where plea deals got tossed. But do they apply here. Thats the question. His answer is absolute crap. Generalities that mean nothing. He said the plea deals where highly suspect. Based on what? Because Trump or that idiot Sara Sanders said so? Good luck makibg that argument.
  20. Your hilarious. Once a judge accepts a plea deal, he cant overturn it. The defendant also waives his right to appeal during the plea ceremony so good luck getting it overturned if new info comes out. Your clueless. Keep making things up though. Im sure your idiot Trumptard friends will believe you.
  21. Your hilarious. Thats all you trumptards have. The leftist blast. Its really pathetic. Still waiting for that other idiot to give me a real legal argument about those plea deals. Maybe it will show up after this post.
  22. Your using logic Tibs. The trumptards are on the verge of total meltdown. Dont confuse them. Not a leftist trumptard. Im an independent. I understand your IQ is in the negative so Ill keep repeating it.
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