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  1. Checking the calendar. May 10th. Okay. A little over 2 months till training camp. Threads like this are almost going to be non-existent by then. Hanging in there.
  2. Official $100 jersey? Nope. $25 Chinese knockoff? You bet.
  3. OP, you sound like you want to stand up for justice. That's great. Maybe take that energy and find a better place. This argument, on a Bills football board, probably isn't going to change anyone's mind. I heard there's a former QB who likes to take up causes in the wrong way. Maybe you can team up with him and try to take down the NFL altogether?
  4. "Hey Jimmy, stop picking your nose and come vote for the next Bills Quarterback" This is scientifically fool proof
  5. My guess is they don't eliminate guys who made mistakes. They just work harder to determine if a person actually learned from said mistakes.
  6. For those who think he's washed up, this is what he still did last season. I know he's not coming here. I just hope he's not a Patriot next year.
  7. I love that WE reject the idea of Dez. It's like if you're single and you meet a beautiful model who is single and a little past her prime and you say, "Meh, she has a couple stretch marks".
  8. To clarify, I love the well thought out posts that look at all the possibilities. I'm talking about the random guy who will go 5th rd or lower that we should take as our sleeper. It's like...do you even Bills fan?
  9. I'll keep stopping by. Still have to see if somehow Beane makes the deal before draft day, knowing full well it's gonna be on draft day.
  10. I genuinely appreciate you guys who take the time to find out the latest Tweets and whatever else to keep us informed. This board is my one stop shop for sure! That said, I can't wait till the countless speculation posts fall to the abyss. I mean, it's somewhat entertaining to try and guess "Is this guy a pure troll or are they seriously believing what they are saying?", but it gets a little exhausting.
  11. I usually sit up in the 300's but the few times I have been in the lower 100's, they were nice to look at in between plays or during a terrible game.
  12. It would be a nice made for TV movie. But seriously, come on.
  13. If your response to this is anything more than "that's awesome" and you poke holes in this story, you are trying way too hard.
  14. Murph is a huge homer, but I wonder....is there any other play-by-play guy doing a show about his team that isn't a homer? Hopefully Tasker can bring at least a shred of objectivity. Either way, they will continue to get the guests we want to hear.
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