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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. I guess it's a he said she said. http://www.washtenawwatchdogs.com/university-of-michigan/the-cover-up-of-the-arrest-of-university-of-michigan-football-player-brendan-gibbons-for-rape FWIW, this story rings true to me. Consider: 1). What does the woman have to gain by bringin g Lewan into the story, unless he (Lewan) had inserted himself into the story? 2). Lewan s other behaviors haven't earned him the benefit of the doubt.
  2. Taylor Lewan is pure scum. When at UM, his buddy raped a girl. Lewan called her up, told her he knew where she lived, and if she said reported the rape that he'd rape her also. In the backside. You never want to root for a player to get seriously injured. But there's a reason you should never say never.
  3. It was clearly a penalty, and the Rams DB knew it. watch the end of the play. Rams DB throws his hands up in the "not me, I didn't do anything wrong" signal.
  4. Funny thing is I know where that quote is from.
  5. $3 for an orange??? they need to find a better grocery store.
  6. Youre incorrect. It wasnt a blind side block. the players were face to face. They literally hit R anterior shoulder to R anterior shoulder. With each player facing the opponent s goaline. Its not MacKenzies fault that the defender was unaware.
  7. Yeah it was the same play except it wasnt. Lookit, what happened is crystal clear. The Dolphins defender was focused on the ball carrier and didnt see McKenzie, who was directly facing him. So he was surprised when McKenzies shoulder knocked him sideways. It was a bad call, simple as that. Refs make mistakes. This particular official should watch this play 100 times, then go onto a field and have the play re-enacted for him with live players, understand the angle, and understand why he was wrong, so he doesnt make the same mistake again. I have no idea why you're trying to defend the call.
  8. Maybe. But Dodson was not good in pass coverage today. He bit on play action and left the mid middle zone wide open numerous times. Milano is a far better linebacker now.
  9. I'm not sure which plays you were referring to, but there were a few goal line plays with Bates lined up as an extra tackle, next to either Williams at RT or Dawkins at LT.
  10. Using BMI to diagnose obesity doesn't always work. BMI>30 is said to be obese, but really muscular football players with <10% body fat will have BMI>30. For instance, Micah parsons from psu is 6'3" 244 lbs. and has BMI of 30.5. Journey Brown is 5'11", 216 lbs. has BMI of 30.6. so yes, some NFL players are obese. But not that many.
  11. Let's connect the dots. There is serious buzz about major college football being moved to the spring. This leaves Satrudays in the fall open for football. I could easily see the NFL filling that void with Saturday tripleheaders, along with the sunday and Monday games. Thursday slate might just get moved to Saturday evening. Of course, Saturday tripleheaders would increase NFL media rights revenue. Probably by at least 50%. Ticket sales will will be down, but balanced by the gain in tv revenue, probably a net increase in overall NFL revenue, maybe by 20-30 %. And a resulting increase in salary cap. Beane and company are very proactive. I'd imagine they are monitoring this situation closely, and preparing to extend players before any large salary cap increase.
  12. So the player can practice with the team and play in game day. how is that not the same as being on the 53 man roster? The only differences I see is that the player doesn’t get full salary and can be signed by another team.
  13. LOL. You realize that a PSU alum is the reason you’re not posting this on the Las Vegas Bills message board...
  14. Micah Parsons is not a named defendant either. Supporting the argument that they are trying to draw attention by naming the two best players in the team (YGM and Parsons)
  15. Sitting out a game against a D1AA opponent would seem to be a fairly trivial penalty for sexual assault. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the student conduct panel viewed the accusations of sexual assault to be unfounded.
  16. Didn’t read the whole thread, but this suit is BS. An attempt at money grab by a sleazy lawyer and disgruntled player. Facts: 1) Gross-Matos isn’t named as a defendant in the lawsuit that was filed. Sleazy lawyer just threw his name in to catch attention. 2) A complaint was investigated by university and state police who declined to prosecute. 3) Same complaint was investigated by PSU student affairs ( who have no love for psu players ) who write a 75 page report saying the complaint was unfounded. 4) dozens of psu players have commented on Twitter, all saying nothing happened. Ryan Bates said “This guy stinks”. (referring to the player who filed the lawsuit). Rumor: the guy who filed the lawsuit was known around the program as the laziest player (both in weight room and academics) in years.
  17. commin sense would say you’re right. but the rule doesn’t specify unexpected. silimlar to how Ford s black was not unexpected.
  18. Hey is this a blindside block on the guy blocking Watt? hes directly facing his own end zone. Or the other tackle. He doing the same thing. still can’t believe the ahole ref called this against Ford.
  19. Players no longer have to take a knee to down the ball. In victory formation a QB can simply take the snap and toss the ball to the official.
  20. Ahh, if you want to donate to charity, try the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. Or Childrens Hospital.
  21. As a Bills fan, I'm not sure I like these answers by McD or Beane. Based on your quote, Beane is saying he disagrees, but doesnt want to be fined. As a Bills fan, I want him to go to the mat. If he pays a 10-50-100,000 fine, I dont care. I really dont care if Beane makes $4.0 million/yr or $3.9 million. I'm pretty sure most Bills fans making $70K /year agree with me. I want him to stick up for my team, as well as whats right. Now, If he's concerned that this will be a negative for Bills rulings going forward, thats a different issue. But also a problem.
  22. I'm with you here. Men in Black. Questions: 1) How come, in 40 yrs of watching NFL, I've never before seen or heard of these guys? 2) Why are there 4 of them? If they're meant as substitutes in case of emergency, are we expecting 4 guys to have heart attacks in the same game? 3) If the NFL selects their very best refs for the games, based on season-long "grades", then it stand to reason that these "substitute refs" arent as good as the on-field refs. So why did the head umpire (Tony Corente) defer to them? 4) How did the network guys know who the men in black were, and their role, immediately? Why did the parrot (old-time ref) on the network team immediately know the party-line--"it was just common sense, and common sense prevailed"? Conclusions: -- I dont know. You put everything together, and the most logical explanation is someone from the NFL office told the men in black to tell Corente to change his call. And tell the network guys that this was the party line. -- I find this very disappointing. I always thought that the officials, while often incompetent and possibly subconsciously biased, were honest. Now I'm not so sure. -- Corente, with 20+ years of experience, and graded as a top ref, clearly made a call based on his understanding of the rules. And then he changes his mind in 2-3 minutes? Something is fishy here. Prediction: -- The "common sense" mantra will come back to bite the NFL.
  23. College Football doesn’t have a Rooney rule, but the number of black coaches has increased. For instance Penn State has a black head coach. And over half of PSU assistant coaches are black also. I think it takes time. I know there are exceptions but head coaches Typically have to grind and grind as assistants for 15-20 yrs before they get a shot at a head coaching position. I think rather than a Rooney rule, increasing opportunities as interns and volunteer assistant position coaches is the way to go. These guys will pay their dues and learn coaching (which, to be clear, is MUCH different than playing) from the bottom up. In addition, they will have developed the relationships and networks that will be necessary for a head guy to successfully recruit his staff of assistants.
  24. I think Bills outsmarted themselves here. as they approached the redzone, they were taking their time, no hurry at all. the logic being they wanted to burn clock before they scored, so Houston wouldn’t have time to score. But they played it too cute, and ended up wasting one of their three redzone downs clicking the ball. Primary goal should have been TD and don’t worry if Houston has 90 vs 30 sec to come back and try to score.
  25. So, I'm guessing this will be a bit controversial, but here goes. The US population is, roughly, 60% white, 10 % Latino, 10% black, 10% Asian, 10 % other. But NFL cornerbacks are 0 % white, almost 100% black. Should there be a Rooney rule for white cornerbacks? Where each team has to play at least one white CB in the preseason, give him a chance? or should the best players play, regardless of race or ethnic background? And should that same philosophy be applied to coaches. The best coaches coach, regardless of race etc?
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