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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. Watching that clip reminded me of this game show.
  2. Whoa… Sherlock is prescient. Beasley just released a rap single on iTunes. Guess the topic.
  3. Yes!! Lebros is the best. I’ve been to 7 of the 10 places listed. Lebros wins. The biggest wings I’ve ever had. And just the right heat. They don’t try to burn your mouth. Surprised that Lebros not getting more love.
  4. This is exactly my list of players, but in different order. Same rationale- who would be missed most in case of injury.
  5. Serious question. Why dont you believe it helps or protects? Is your belief based upon scientific studies, with publicly available data? Or is your belief based upon Facebook groups?
  6. Beasley has every right to refuse vaccination. He also has a right to drive on the left side of the road while on his private property. But society has decided, based on abundant data, that it is best for public health for all except immunocompromised, etc to get vaccinated. US society also has decided, based on a coin flip, that its best to drive on the right hand side of the road. A well established paradigm states that your "rights" are limited when they begin to impact others. So if you want to remain unvaccinated, thats fine. Live outside society. Thats a difficult choice, but may be your choice. But if youre unvaccinated and out in public, you may be unwittingly putting others at risk. In this particular instance, its disappointing that one player wants to put himself above the team, especially after the captains stated all vaccine discussions were staying in house. Its even more disappointing since this is the first Bills team with a serious shot at the Super Bowl in this century. Good teammate there, huh? Finally, Covid recommendations are nothing if not fluid. Policies changing due to both politics and data. Here is a bit of data that should have everyone concerned. Every wave of this pandemic has been forecast by events in UK/Europe preceding events here by about 4-8 weeks. UK is undergoing a surge now, due to the highly transmissible delta variant. This variant has gone from 6% of cases to >80% of cases in the UK. It has an R0 of 5, which means its almost as transmissible as measles. You get these viruses just by breathing the same air. So the social distancing/masking recommendations may need to be even harsher to keep this variant controlled. Wearing double masks, N95 for everyone, face shield plus masks, 12 feet social distancing, all these may be coming. Or you could get a vaccine.
  7. My goodness. Everything you write is wrong. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-020-0377-3 https://www.massdevice.com/moderna-touts-preclinical-study-results-for-covid-19-vaccine-candidate/ https://utsouthwestern.edu/covid-19/assets/moderna-review.pdf
  8. You've got quite a bit wrong here. Let's review. "The dude is doing what he thinks is best for him and his family not to have an experiment injected into him." This isnt an experiment. Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials are experiments (clinical trials might be a nicer word, but its the same). All Covid vaccines authorized for use in the US have gone through phase 1/2/3 trials. "You or no one has no clue what these vaccines will do to you in the next few years because in the situation there was hardly any studies done because something worked in the moment." Nope, wrong again. Well, only mostly wrong. It is true that no one can predict the future, so you're right there. But 200+ years of history tells us that all known vaccine side effects become apparent within 6-8 weeks. "Hardly any studies". Nope. The studies that led to authorization included 30K people for each vaccine. "At the end of the day his decision does not effect your well-being." Yeah, actually it does. Everyone who is not vaccinated becomes a reservoir for coronavirus infections, and the pandemic, to persist. And this reservoir allows for more chances for mutation, more chances for a more virulent, nasty virus to emerge.
  9. McCoy was the only RB in recent history to carry the ball “like a loaf of bread”. I think Bills coaches probably told him they didnt like it, but as long as he didn’t fumble they’d look the other way
  10. Lol. Median NFL salary is $2.3 million. Median US household income is $60,000. Yet you'd retire because you didn't want a little owwie
  11. The officials really botched that call. They misinterpreted the rule. If a players MEANS to down the ball, he doesnt have to actually down it. Thats the correct interpretation.
  12. Josh is currently doing a commercial for NFL network. I think it pretty well done.
  13. Yeah, I'm a PSU fan as well. But Maybin was a terrible pick. I had a wager that he wouldn't go before the 3rd round. But he was an especially bad pick for the Bills, a 4-3 team. Maybin weighed 225 lbs at the end of the season. But by all accounts, he's a good guy. Just wasn't committed to football.
  14. Same thing happened to a guy on the Texans in a playoff game.
  15. There is quite a bit of misinformation on D1 college football in this thread. Here is the deal. In the off season, typically beginning in January players start (resume) rigorous strength and conditioning. These are under the supervision of the S&C staff. They aren't permitted to do football specific drills. In march or so, there is spring football. These are typical football practices although there are limits to the number of practices (15) and practices in pads. The last of these 15 practices is usually an intrasquad scrimmage played before packed stadiums (except at Pitt). There are no games against other teams. After spring football, the S&C resumes, again, no football drills, no contact at these workouts between coaches and players. Only the S&C staff. In the summer, it's more of the same, except players often get together for informal throw and catch sessions. Ocassiionly a coach may accidentally bump into the players at these informal, player led sessions. Then in August preseason practice begins. It's much like NFL preseason practice with strict limits on number of practices and practices with pads. There are no preseason games against other teams, although the major D1 (aka Power 5) often schedule early season games against lesser teams ("cupcakes") which serve as de facto preseason games. Hope this helps.
  16. I'm guessing that most NFL players are the wrong gender for carnal tunnel injuries.
  17. I think that Daquan Jones from Tennessee could be the answer. I dont understand why he's still a FA. Maybe he wants too much $$$. But based on what i saw last season, hes a very serviceable 1T DT.
  18. Hmm... let’s see. he had a 20-20 record with zero playoff appearances after his return from dogfighting. id say that qualifies as ineffective. maybe that’s effective in your book. A judgement call I guess.
  19. Let’s face it. Vick wasn’t an effective football player after the dog fighting charges and conviction.
  20. Results for PSU DE Oweh, Toney, and LB Parsons. Additional notes: PSU 40 times for Oweh and Parsons a bit faster. 4.36 and 4.39 Shaka Toney 40 4.51, vert 39.5. These three guys are all incredibly explosive athletes. Oweh broad jump of 134 inches is best ever for a DL.
  21. It's not 1/3 of the game. Thats like saying Canada has 1/3 the population of North America.
  22. Lol. Small and skinny? Look at the guys quads. He's reported to squat 600 lbs.
  23. Rondale Moore isn't like that skinny guy from Da U who was always injured. Moore squats 600 lbs. https://primetimesportstalk.com/2020/12/31/2021-nfl-draft-scouting-report-rondale-moore/
  24. I don’t believe his cap number has been announced, but it won’t be $11 million. They will give a bonus of $10-15 milliiin and back loads salaries. I’d guess his cap number for next year will come in at about $7 million.
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