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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. Hmmm.. you think that part time employees are just as good as full time? Just a hypothetical. All things being equal, would you rather have your quad jump CABG done by a full time heart surgeon? Or a surgeon who sells car insurance 5 days a week, and operates on 17 weekends in the fall? It is completely ludakris that the NFL is a multi billion dollar industry that operates with part time employees. Do the math. 8 man crews x 16 games = 128 employees. Pay them 500K each. That’s $60 million per year. About 0.3% of the NFL gyearly gross. Or the same as Deshaun Watsons guaranteed salary. SMH
  2. complaining about a Sat -> Sun vs a Sun -> Sun just seems like whining at this point.
  3. Fwiw, I thought that Benford was hurt before that play. He seemed to be moving slowly and favoring Left arm/shoulder
  4. Mahomes is a combined 32-0 when he plays in games officiated by Martin, Rogers, Blake, Boger, Hill, Novak, or Eck. See Athletic article linked in original post.
  5. This is a good question. In general, I think that takeaways are part skill, part coaching, and a good part luck. You cant control that aspect, so no matter how well you're coached, your takeaways may regress to the mean. So I dont think a defense can live off takeaways forever. Those of you who remember the superbowl years remember that was also a bend but dont break defense, that lived off turnovers, until they didnt. Offense is a little difference; I think offenese has more control over giveaways than defense has over takeaways. How you coach your RB/TE/WR (fun trivia question, how many giveaways do these three position groups have this season? Zero. Zilch. Nil. Thats not just luck), as well as play calls influence giveaways greatly. In most years, I'd say a defense that plays bend dont break and relies on turnovers wont win a championhsip. But this year we have the cheat code. Josh allen allows Bills to win both high scoring and low scoring games. Allen/Brady can pretty much turn the offense on at will. Of course, this comes with a risk of more turnovers, so Bills prefer a conservative offense. Makes sense. Go Bills!
  6. There is an article on this in The Athletic. I'd encourage everyone to read it. I did some further analysis based on that article. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/6074720/2025/01/20/patrick-mahomes-refs-penalties-chiefs/ The answer is yes, for some officials. Lets look at the details. Sando analyzed Mahomes' W-L record by referee. You'd expect the average record should be about 75%, given he wins 75% of games. I've picked out just a few Ref W-L record Clay Martin 7-0 (note: Martin was the ref on Saturday. hmm....) Brad Rogers 5-0 Boger 4-0 Shawn Hochuli 10-2 Cheffers 10-3 Clete Bakeman 6-5 Brad Allen 4-4 If we do a chi square analysis of Martin vs Bakeman or Allen, the outcome (P = 0.017 is highly significant). Obviously the head referee mostly affects games by late hit calls. The DPI and Hold calls come more from a back judge. But the referee can affect those calls as well, by guiding "principles" of what to call, and guiding discussions about flags. So me, I'm hoping to see Bakeman or Allen next Sunday. Anyone but the unholy triumvirate of Martin/Rogers/Boger.
  7. That, boys and girls, is why you don’t chase points in the 3rd quarter
  8. I forget. Did Fitz play tackle or guard when he was Bills OL?
  9. Josh hits the wrong hole and still scores!!!
  10. This. Oliver was completing a normal play started in field of play. Romo is an idiot
  11. Ahh, that was definitely a contact injury
  12. That’s two misses refs. I expect two make ups
  13. Nah, the field there is heated,remember?
  14. Dude in Sirius radio just said Bills fall apart if they get behind early. As example use the Texans game and said Bills had “no chance” in that game after falling behind. Bills lost that game on a 59 yd walk off field goal. The talkers in these shows know less about the Bulls than does the average TBD poster
  15. Just an fyi Look back on your initial post. I think you forgot the word “not”. that’s what caused the confusion.
  16. This strategy doesn’t make sense to me. If you’re carrying injured players on the 53, wouldn’t you have fewer spot to use on a 4th QBs?
  17. Odafa Oweh is on the Ravens. Regrettably.
  18. Ahh, don’t want a huge argument, but per National Weather Service (www.weather.gov ), the mean January temp in Chicago was colder than Buffalo every year for the past 5 years (2020-2024). But only 0.2-3 degrees F colder.
  19. Chicago is colder than Bflo
  20. Damn straight I would. Bills 2nd team -3.5 against Pats was free money. Taking Cook to score a TD to tie a team record was a bit of a gamble, but paid off as well.
  21. Wow. Never knew Harbaugh was such an #######.
  22. Playing read option isn’t simply “holding the edge”. It’s all about assignment football and eye discipline. if the DE assignment is to take the RB, that is what he should do. If his assignment is to take the QB, that’s what he should do. the good thing about playing against a read option is that discipline gets better with experience. So I think there is reason to think that Bills will defend the Racens run game better this time. Also having Milano and TJ back will be important. I worry most about our safeties, none are great tacklers or have great catch up speed.
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