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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. Everyone see the Dolphins guy slap the ball out of Diggs hand well after the TD? that’s a penalty. Unsportsmanlike. It’s fine to not call tricky tack stuff, but I hope they’re consistent.
  2. I heard Drew Bledsoe interviewed on the radio about 5 yrs ago. Seems like a bright and successful guy. Owned a winery that was selling $100 bottles of wine. Doesn’t seem to be the type to complain about a free suite. I guess we’ll see.
  3. Call me crazy, but I’m betting that he could have been on the sidelines if he asked. I don’t know. A dude who’s received millions of dollars from the Bills gets a free luxury suite. And he’s whining on social media about it? To me, a long time Bills fan, Spikes isn’t a legend. He’s one of hundreds of mercenaries who has played for a losing Bills team. Just like Kelvin Benjamin, Tim Tuel, etc.
  4. Anyone know what Milano did to get the unpotrsmanlike call? From replay, it looked like Milano gave the Jets player a mean stare. Did he also call him a mean name?
  5. The cover two can still get beat on a deep ball. By a speedy RB on a wheel route. Cool had a TD if Josh would have lifted that pass a touch more.
  6. Actually,this is the play where I thought Josh was concussed. you see his head bounce off the turf. He stays down for a sec, then camera shows him with an empty ,expressionless look in his eyes. I was surprised he wasn’t pulled out of the game by the nfl observer.
  7. Didn’t see a replay of the taunt. Did Milano spin the ball in his face, give him an extra shove? or just look at Wilson with his meanlook?
  8. Can’t stand Cheffers crew. They lead the nfl in penalties called every year. Yeah, maybe a tiny taunt. Still tricky tack. He’ll probably call a make up taunting later.
  9. Mrs. G, I don’t care what all a dem internet warriors say. Your boy is an excellent footballer and a fine upstanding young man!!
  10. I remember that game well. Bills signed Lawyer Malloy on a Tuesday, and he played a heckuva game on Sunday. I thought theBills were going places that year.
  11. The weather report scares me a bit. Wind and rain usually hurt the team with the better passing offense.
  12. Guys, this is no incredible revelation. OL, especially OT routinely line up deeper and in a 2 point stance on pass plays, and closer to the LOS and in a 3 point stance. You see this with essentially all NFL teams. Is it a 100% tell? No, but probably better than 80%. what was different last night was how deep 74 lines up, and his consistent false starts. The false starts should have been called. You call one or two of these and he stops it. The lining up in the backfield is prevalent throughout the NFL. Oftentimes the slot receiver is closer to the LOS than are the OT. The officials seem to call it at random times. This is a rule that should be fixed. Its not like holding where there are grey areas. Either change the rule so OT are permitted in the backfield, or call the foul.
  13. Wait. Your name is Julian and you’re Canadian? You wouldn’t happen to have a fish named Orangie, would you?
  14. Heres some help from google. rhet·o·ric /ˈredərik/ noun the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. "he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole" Similar: oratory eloquence power of speech command of language expression way with words delivery diction language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. "all we have from the Opposition is empty rhetoric"
  15. Hey docs. I’m not sure that you should be commenting on issues where you don’t know the background Maybe there is an unusual antibody she’s produced? Maybe it’s a platelet, not an RBC issue? Maybe the 30 cc is needed for a diagnostic test that could then allow a safe transfusion. Whatever. I’m guessing that you’re not perinatal medicine experts, so let’s tone down the rhetoric, eh? Can we agree that any dude who wouldn’t offer 30cc of blood to his unborn child is not an upstanding citizen?
  16. Just call ‘em as I see ‘em. No need for a long YouTube to explain this.
  17. Interesting. True story. In the mid 90s i was watching my sons Mite (6-8 yo) hockey game at the Amherst rink. I think this was shortly befor it became the Pepsi center. Me and one of the other dads were watching the teams warm up. He pointed to a player on the other team and said, “that kid is going to play professional sports someday. Don’t know if it will be hockey or baseball, but he’ll play pro sports. “ I nodded and grinned, thought to myself, “yeah right, you’re here scouting 7 yo kids” Some parents can’t separate themselves from kids games. Oh, by the way, kids name was Robbie Gronkowski.
  18. This is a good point. If someone tell you something in confidence, it is hard, or impossible, to "unknow" that fact. Its like your sister tells you, in confidence, that she's pregnant. You're in a setting thats full of people that dont know your sister at all. Your guard is down. You accidentally mention that she's pregnant. Sometimes things slip out. People make mistakes. Some people make more than others. Those are the people you tell no secrets to, nothing off the record. But life is a learning process. It may take time to figure out who the blabbermouths are.
  19. This is the answer I think. I doubt another team scoops him up, so just keep him on practice squad. It would be a shame to lose a promising OL or WR just because you’d feel bad for cutting him.
  20. People make mistakes. If Beane said that, it was off the record. I don’t know how to make this any simpler.
  21. Uh… Im not sure if you read the initial post. That’s exactly what off the record means.
  22. Huh. Looks like s n a t c h is censored.
  23. Bates played LT and RT his last 2 years at PSU. He was good (not great) at LT. Although I think his best position is at G (I dont know what his wing span is, but its not great), I'm pretty sure he played T for Bills a couple years back. I dont think he's a long term solution at LT/RT, but maybe he could be the Bills swing tackle this year.
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