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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro” Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing
  2. I'm a bit worried about this picture. It looks like there is a bit of a mullet growing out. I'm thinking that Milano may be coming back as a hockey enforcer.
  3. Didn’t Allen get called down or in the grasp twice yesterday, which negated broken tackles? Isnt that sort of incompatible with a flop? At least by my definition, when a player flops he ends up on the ground.
  4. Call me crazy, but I saw 1, maybe 2 “flops” in that compilation.
  5. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the DE in the picture isn’t 6’3”. My sons high school team routinely added 2-4 inches and 20-30 lbs for the game programs.
  6. Saw this as well. Fines were well deserved. Anyone want to bet that stupid Chefs fans making <30K /yr will start up a collection to help them pay the fine?
  7. That’s a lot to be dealing with.
  8. Really? Im pretty sure the rule about aiding the runner just changed a couple years back. I know that happened for college football, as Reggie Bush push of the usc QB was illegal but not called
  9. Not really. The obvious answer is obvious. Deltoid ligament damage is difficult to diagnose. These injuries are often missed for several weeks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8500389/ My guess is he had a sore ankle for several weeks. When it didn’t heal, the medical staff was eventually able to make a diagnosis mid season. These things typically take 4-12 weeks to heal. So, no great conspiracy or cover up. The training staff isn’t perfect. It’s an uncommon injury that took a while to diagnose. Can any of the keyboard warriors out there tell us about any other players who have had deltoid ligament injuries? Didn’t think so. it’s an uncommon injury.
  10. Yup. All NHL fans know the rule of diagonals. If team says a player has a right upper body injury, you can bet it’s really a left lower body injury.
  11. Presuming we're talking about the non-TD in overtime at Philly... Heres' what happened. Davis get up on the CB. CB had inside leverage. Which maybe dictates you break out. But there was a zero blitz and middle of field unoccupied. Which maybe dictates you break to middle of field, espcially given that the CB stumbled and was offbalance. Allen throws to inside, while Davis broke outside. Who was "wrong" I dont really know, and I doubt people on this board know either. It depends what the Bills choice rules are. There were pros and cons either way.
  12. to be clear, Davis got the blame at Philly because he DID break off his route. If he had kept running straight, he was open and catches ball Josh threw.
  13. What??? Doesn’t an offensive player lining up Offside get precise the same advantage as a defender lining up Offside?
  14. There’s a quote from former NFL official that’s offense offside has been called 11 times this tear. So there’s that.
  15. I thought it was a pretty blatant OPI. He picked off the Bills player who was covering Kelce. That was more than a rub as Toney adjust his route to run into Bills player.
  16. Just figured out who Mahomes reminds me of in this clip. He’s Kenny Powers.
  17. They’re human,they make mistakes. That is 100% true. But they didn’t make a mistake on that play. The WR lined up Offside. HE made the mistake, not the officials. What a whiner.
  18. I was at that game. Jalen Carter didn’t make a great play. It was a bad kick, very very low. I don’t think,it would have been good even if not blocked.
  19. Bad call but I’ll take it
  20. Phillips ran himself right out of that stop. SMH
  21. Why wasn’t that an injury TO?
  22. Gotta keep kelce out of the game. He’s their only dependable weapon. Use LB and slot corner.
  23. How was that not an int?
  24. Gotcha. you think missing 3-4 of your top defenders is no big deal; I think it is a challenge. Not an insurmountable challenge, but not trivial either.
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