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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. I’m saying LB depth was a problem last year. If we’re playing Rapp and Hamlin, that’s a problem. If I’m Beane, I’m looking for safety help as priority 1.
  2. LB was a huge problem at the end of last season.
  3. I saw him play back in the mi 1960s. He wasn’t a running QB. Never ever ran an option or QB power. He was a classic dropback QB and an OK scrambler. He didn’t have a strong arm and was an ok passer. He was a good leader and his teammates seemed to respond to him. Best comp would be Kirk cousins, but without cousins accuracy.
  4. I don’t think Cam Lewis qualifies as a surprise cut.
  5. Call me crazy, but I’d rather have a QB who was judged to be good enough to be the #2overall pick 6 yrs ago rather than take a flyer on some kid from Tulsa.
  6. Umm… Not sure how you know, but… Blood doesn’t flow out of the leg via an artery. Blood flows out of any extremity via a vein, not artery.
  7. Not an unpopular opinion.
  8. This is the reason that participation in OTA is important. Given the number of choice routes and decisions, this is why all receivers need to know how their QB thinks. And why A Rogers was a selfish prick for skipping minicamp. Not that I mind.
  9. Depends whose voting. if it’s player, I thinkTaron Johnson makes it. If the press, nope.
  10. This is including TE? So, basically, your'e saying that, by yardage, Bills will have a bottom 5 pass group. Ima taking that bet any day of the year.
  11. This was discussed a while back. Bonus Money is taxed based on the state where you team is located. NY for Bills. But salary is taxed by the state in which the game is played. The interesting twist here is that we hear about players converting salary to bonus,and it’s a wash. Not quite. This could lead a Bills player to receding more of his income in a high tax state, and a lower % in low tax (TX, FL) states.
  12. I used Wikipedia as a link rather than CNN or other "biased" source. 1) Manafort and Russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trials_of_Paul_Manafort 2) Don Jr and Russia meeting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting 3) Why did Trump pardon Flynn? Did it have anything to do with Russia? Hmm.... https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-pardon-michael-flynn-russia-aeef585b08ba6f2c763c8c37bfd678ed
  13. 1) Ahh, youre right. Not to voluntarily relinquish office. Hope thats better. 2) I agree that Biden is also unfit for office. Due to age and cognitive decline. Not because he's a compulsive liar, cheat, or con man though. 3) Listen to Don Jr? I'd rather re-watch the PSU-Iowa 6-4 barnburner.
  14. 1) Clinton--wasnt a fan of his, thats why I voted for Bush Sr in 92. Think I probably voted for Clinton in 96, but the Republican candidate wasnt very inspiring. Dole was it? And by 1999 we were running a government SURPLUS. So not terrible fiscal policy. 2) Bush Jr and bad info in Iraq. Yes, there was bad info re WMD. I dont think that Bush conjured that up, I think it was a combo of bad intel and over agreesive interpretation by national security apparatus. 3) Nixon and Watergate. Of course he was guilty and deserved to lose the presidency. I note that todays Supreme Court would have let him off scott free. Thats a topic for another day. 4) The claims that Trump wasnt legitimate in 2016 were entirely different than Trump denial in 2020. Clinton was complaining about the electoral college system, in which a candidate coudl clearly win the popular vote, and clearly lose the electoral vote. But like an honorable competitor, she conceded that she lost, according to the rules of the game. Trump and his droogs say they were fighting against a corrupt system, which 40 courts disagreed with. I say he's simply a poor loser. With Clinton, there was no silly, corrupt scheme to try to claw back the election, followed by 4+ year of election denial. Youre comparing apples to hand grenades. 5) The ties of Trumps campaign to Russia were clear. Mantafort went to jail over them, the ties of Don Jr and General whatshisname to Russians were clear. Trump wasnt charged simply because of executive privilege.
  15. This is pretty much where I'm at. Just for some perspective. I'm an old guy. I watched the game at The Rockpile where Namath threw 8 (yes eight) passes for TDs. Of course 3 were to Bills DBs, and Bills won 37-35! I consider myself an independent, and voted for Reagan twice, George Bush 4 times, and Mitt Romney twice. I like some of Trumps policy stances. Against chain migration, and most affirmative action. The gender identity politics strikes me as a diversion, as it affects a small slice of Americans. Of course a 20 yo biologic male shouldnt be competing against female runners or swimmers. This should be common sense. Common sense also tells us that Trump is unfit to be president. He's a compulsive liar, a con man, a grifter, a tax cheat, in politics only for himself. He is the first and only president not to relinquish his office after clearly losing an election. Yet for some reason, he inspires cult-like loyalty from almost half of Americans. I find this stunning. There is no other political figure in my lifetime who inspires flags and T shirts with his name or face to be flown. I listened this evening to the first couple speakers of the RNC. its all about Trump, and the speakers declaring their loyalty and fealty to the greatest US president ever. And how he's now a war hero. He's not. George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, George Bush Sr., and yes, John McCain are war heroes. Trump is a draft dodger. I find this loyalty and admiration for a single man, as opposed to a set of ideas (such as the Constitution) to be quite disturbing.
  16. OP stated that he thought the Bills 2024 WR group could be improved over the 2023 group. I think he may be correct, but you continually insist that he’s wrong because PFF has them as the 27th graded group. its an interesting group of WR. Shakir finished the year on a strong run the final 7 games, among the league leaders in catch % and ypc. Will this be a springboard to becoming a top 10 WR? Coleman is a promising rookie, with a strong record in college. Samuel has been a consistent performer, with 600+ receiving yards 4 of the past 5 seasons, with poor QB play. MVS has had consistent success, averaging 500+ yds and 15+ ypc in 5 of the last 6 seasons. Claypool had 800+ yds his first 2 seasons (with good qb play), then fell way off. Can he resurrect his career? Hollins has had one good year with 600+ yds As a group, these WR have been successful NFL WR. They all have question marks, but it’s not as if these guys, as a group, have never had success in the nfl (excepting Coleman, who was their first draft pick this year). I’ll bet that this group finishes 2024 as better than 27. You in?
  17. Im pretty sure the original lyrics were “with Lofton,Reed , and Bebe”
  18. About 9 yrs later I took my 7 yo son to his first Bills game. Against Jets, Oct or Nov I think. He sees two 50+ yo guys arguing, one says "s*** my d*** you f******". They proceed to get in a fist fight (really more pushing and slapping) and end up kicked out. He asks me what happened. I tell him the guy in the green jersey drank too many adult cokes. Was I being dishonest?
  19. Joe B has had a couple articles on this topic. Both Miller and Rousseau perform better from the left side, and Bills DE lined up more R vs L than strong vs weak formation side.
  20. Throwing a 13month old kid under the bus. Gotta love the internet. 😂 Just kidding. But you gotta see the irony here.
  21. "The Bills offense has been built to put up points with receivers who get open against soft, regular season coverage. When the playoffs hit.......they lose that edge. " This is a really good point. Bills WR room wasnt working for elite games, so it was a good idea to blow it up and try something different. Maybe get some bigger, more physical receivers. Like Kincaid, Coleman, Claypool, Hollins for Harty, Sherfield, Diggs. Sorta what the OP was saying...
  22. Gotcha. So you have no stats on player improvement, translation of college to NFL, reviving lost careers, or likelihood of continuing upward or downward trends. Thats what I thought.
  23. Not sure how this is unlikely based on significant track record. Coleman has never played in NFL Claypool and MVS have had up and down years. If we get their up years, they’re pretty good. Samuels has played consistently well on bad offenses. Shakir ended the year in a clear upward trajectory. Will that continue ? Diggs ended the year on a clear downward trajectory. Will that continue ? Clearly there are a ton of variables. If you have a statistical analysis that clearly demonstrates it’s unlikely they will be better, please share it with the group.
  24. I follow college football recruiting a bit. Offer lists are confusing. It used to be if a kid had a scholarship offer from a team, he could call them up, and say I'm in. Now, major Power4 teams send out literally 100s of offers. But not all of them are "committable". As in, a kids has an offer from Alabama, calls them and says he wants to commit to the team. Turn out the offer may not be "committable". If he's a top 250 prospect, then Alabama usually says yes. But if he's a lower 3 star, only in the top 1000, they may say, "ah, we can't take your commitment right now". If this sounds crazy, it is. Teams offer way too many for various reasons. Keep good relations with high school coaches, keep borderline kids "on the hook" until they see how things evolve. So the Mich State and Pitt offers may not be "committable". Also, NIL money has begun to skew things. A MAC team like UB wont have the overall NIL money that Mich Sate would, but if they really like this guy, they can offer him more NIL money than Mich State will.
  25. Nah, he goes by J-Root
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