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The Now Moment

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Posts posted by The Now Moment

  1. Just now, MAJBobby said:

    Really was it???  I see one really solid player out of it at this point.

    Milano looks a lot better than a fifth round pick, Nathan Peterman does as well.  We hit on Tre White and we got Zay Jones who's progressing in the right direction but I bet you already want him gone because if they aren't good from day one they should get out, right?  Let them develop...patience isn't your strong suit is it.  This regime deserves a chance

  2. Just now, MAJBobby said:

    Here is it.


    Year 1 - some new coach with some new buzzword




    Year 2 - another new buzzword




    Year 3 - Another new buzzword


    FANS - FIRE THIS GUY and clean house really rebuild


    The cycle of life as a Bills fan, Bills sell hope better than any team in the league and us fans just slop it up


    meanwhile 17 years and counting

    But you want to take the Cleveland approach which fired a coach every year??  That's your blueprint...Cleveland changed that too by giving Hue Jackson a chance.  They may not be winning games but they finally have some talent on that team and have been a little competitive.  They were horrid in terms of talent when he took over.  With another year or more likely two they will have a lot of young talent on that team.  I like the long term approach.  So much overturn hurts players.  I feel bad for what Kyle Williams went through in his career here.  

  3. Just now, BmarvB said:


    I agree. It's not going to be an immediate turnaround, but they're rebuilding the right way.  The drought will reach 19 years before it ends. This year, they replaced out half the team.  Next year, they'll replace the other half. Year 3, they'll have their team built and ready to contend. Give them a fair chance, don't be so quick to panic.

    I'm not sure we replaced half of the roster but yes, give it time.  I think it'll be three years to get what they want on the field.  But if they hit on a lot this upcoming draft...they can shorten the rebuilding timeline

  4. Just now, MAJBobby said:


    They did not.  Look at the defense.  so again you really dont want an HONEST assessment you want people agreeing that they need time to rebuild in their vision even if they built this years Roster.

    It's not easy to rebuild in one year man.  They have a ton of draft picks this year and cap space to replace guys that didn't fit.  They came in and not a lot matched up.  It will take some time

  5. Just now, MAJBobby said:

    But I thought new coaches have to run talent out of town to fit their scheme, culture and DNA.


    Fact is right now this FO and coaching staff made this bed, they own it so they should get heat for it.

    No they hired a guy that fit the players, we didn't.  Pegula chose a guy who doesn't fit the players so instead of the coaching staff changing how they do things, they will change the roster to fit the coaches.  It takes longer but usually means longer term success.  The Rams are a special case because they have a lot of young guys.  How is that the front offices and coaching staffs fault?  Pegula chose his guys.  Let them have a chance and stop looking at individual players and transactions and look at the bigger picture of what they are trying to do.  It will take some time.  

    2 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    You can blame the Talent on the roster as much as you want, some of that Blame has to go to McDermott and Beane they built this Roster.

    The roster isn't completely build yet?  Does he have all the linebackers that he wants and are quintessential to his defenses success?  No, because he just got there.  Have some patience

  6. Just now, MAJBobby said:


    I think it comes down to how much rebuild talk the fans what to hear.  How is McVey doing in his first year?  rebuilding?

    His schemes matched his players better and he has a ton of young talent at all positions on that team.  

    As for the fans, if they keep pushing guys out of town before they've been given a chance this team will never win.  We don't have the players that match the schemes.  Until we match them up, we will constantly have players that don't fit and we will continue to fall right back into mediocrity.  It's just been one big cycle.  I think this regime is the right regime.  If we have any patience left, these are the guys to trust and use it on.  Their rookies have played well in the scheme so far.  These old guys that they inherited, aren't looking so great.  Let them bring of their guys...hoping the fans see it through

  7. Just now, MAJBobby said:

    Then do it completely.


    Bench the QB and move on.


    Cut Holmes Ducasse Davis and get the pick. 


    That is not true they are absolutely trying to break the drought. Spin it how you want.  KB trade soldifies they want and are actively trying to win NOW

    Yeah, they said they would try to play hard...doesn't mean there isn't a rebuild going on.  They are just trying to be somewhat successful throughout instead of sucking like the browns.  I think if the season starts to slip they will cut those players and bench the QB but right now we are 5-4 and still in the hunt.  If we continue to play horribly, they will make a move.  Now might be too early to give up.  In a week or two though, if we keep getting blown out, you bet things will be changing.  It's all about timing I think.  

  8. Just now, MAJBobby said:


    Depends do they self scout in the offseason and admit their flaws and correct them or no.

    I think every move they've made so far has benefitted the long term so far.  They haven't made mistakes, the team has played hard for the most part despite the last two games with a minimally talented roster.  They got rid of guys that didn't fit their scheme.  They are playing the long term game.  They just don't care if we don't win now, they are rebuilding and this offseason they've set themselves up to reshape the roster and bring in "their guys".  If they hit on the players, this ship will be turn around with a little patience

  9. 13 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    Here are your positions in need of upgrades.


    OB - Obvious

    RB - need legit depth (buh bye Tolbert)

    OG x 2 - Need one starter next year and then one to groom for the year after

    OT x 1 (maybe two depending on what they do with Glenn)


    DT x 2 Need two starters (kyle is a rotational player at this point if he even comes back)

    DE x 2 Need some speed here for the rotation

    OLB x 2 Need a Starting SLB and depth

    MLB x 1 This is iffy could win with Brown but could upgrade here too

    CB x 3 - need a starter (gaines health worries me) and depth



    So overall I might not have said it right but

    Starters needed in 








    Depth at 









    That a ton for a team in the middle of a 17 year rebuild LOL

    Well for this regime it's the start of a new rebuild.  I trust this front office to get the right guys in the building.  It'll take a while but we have to stop hitting reset so fast.  This seems like a good head coach and GM combo, let's let it play out

  10. The players don't match the system...the players can't do what they do best...how can we expect that to work?  You have to wait until they bring in who they think will play well in their system, not judge them for taking over a team that has a roster that doesn't fit what they are trying to achieve.  They need fast linebackers...who is on the roster?  It won't work until they bring in the right players.  Same thing goes for every position.  If they don't fit the scheme...they usually don't play well.  He hasn't proved he can't do the job yet, he hasn't been given the chance yet.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Another Fan said:



    I have a good buddy whose a big Panthers fan.  I asked him how he thought McDermott would fare here in the summer.  He thought OK but his biggest issue with him as defensive coordinator with the Panthers was his teams usually tired defensively by the 4th quarter. 


    It's mid way through the season now and these guys just look tired/defeated/jet legged, etc.  I'd be surprised if they win two more games this year at this pace.  I mean most of us didn't expect the playoffs this year.  I say start Peterman the rest of the way and prepare for next year. 

    Our defense is really old.  We have thirty year olds all over the place.  His defense is a defense that needs fresh legs and the current roster doesn't have that

  12. 1 minute ago, Perry Turtle said:

    And then we learn that "their" guys aren't any better than the last guy's guys.

    Well I'd rather give ourselves a chance instead of sabotaging things by firing them mid-process.  The constant turnover is the cause of this mediocrity.  Can't keep switching schemes, it forces us to overhaul the entire roster...which takes time

  13. Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

    Well, I don't disagree with you, but I would point out that you've just flagged the following needs:

    - 2 offensive linemen (and that might be assuming that Richie stays)

    - 1 CB

    - at least 3 LBs

    - 2 DTs

    - a new QB

    - a good second RB

    - a speedy WR

    Other than those needs (11 new/improved players!), everything is fine ....

    I know...we are rebuilding with a new regime.  They have had success with old veterans that don't fit their scheme.  It will take a few offseasons but they will repave this roster with their guys and it will be for the better.  Can't fit a round player into a square coaching scheme.  They've set themselves up to make a nice dent in that though this offseason with more cap space and a lot of draft picks.

  14. To me, Groy isn't playing because he doesn't fit.  Who knows though?  All the linebacker need to go except for Milano.  The secondary honestly is in the best shape, needs another corner and some depth, the dline needs two DTs but I think Hughes and Shaq are fine maybe add another to rotate.  For the offense, new QB, a running mate for Mccoy, a couple new lineman and a speedy wideout.  Offensive line probably will see the biggest changes on it, imo

  15. Our rookies have played well in some games and seem to be contributors.  The coaching staff has gotten some difficult wins against teams that are more talented than us.  Down the stretch I'm hoping to see our young guys continue to develop and then on to a very interesting offseason where there will be a lot of changes as they continue to reshape this roster and rebuild the right way instead of forcing players into the wrong scheme.  Repave this roster and make it a dynasty instead of a one year wonder.  It'll take time but if we run the regime out of town, we will go right back into the mediocrity cycle.  Hope fans have patience, who am I kidding haha

  16. Just now, nucci said:

    shouldn't be hard to find a decent back up RB

    They will address that in the draft.  Again, they use players from carolina like Tolbert, Johnson to bridge until they address the position in the offseason.  These guys know their ways and can help the new players to the system learn more about the system and be a positive example.  That's exactly why Dareus was moved.  He was clearly not buying in so why would they leave a guy who is looked up to on the team if he's questioning the coaching staff?  That just doesn't make sense to.  He could use his pull to get other guys to stop buying in...

  17. Just now, ScottLaw said:

    I can guarantee you if Rex was still here it's still be an epic disaster.


    The problem is inept people hiring inept people.

    I actually think we have the right people this time.  But everyone overreacted to our quick start and didn't look at the talent we have.  We replaced the guys that didn't fit and now we don't have a lot of talent.  They are playing to win games but their front office is looking to set themselves up with a lot of cap and draft picks to kick start this rebuild.  Down to earth, no more firing for a bit please.  It only pushes back the rebuilding process

    39 minutes ago, simool said:


    No. In the real world when you tear down a roster the way they have here, it will take a couple of good drafts stacked together before you start to see measurable results.  Personally I am okay with that.  It is a fresh approach and a departure from what has gone on here for the last decade and a half. I think it takes a set of big brass balls too cosidering most of our fanbase is bipolar and prone to knee jerk reactions.

    You're right, they are just upset that it's the truth and are in denial.  It'll take some time but I'd rather have a direction than change every two or three years.  We gotta show some trust for a change instead of running these guys out of Buffalo.  If we keep changing things the roster will never have the players that fit the right scheme and we will keep falling back into that mediocrity.  Let's play it out!  They seemed to have done pretty well with what I consider their first draft, can't wait to see what happens to the roster this upcoming offseason

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