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Everything posted by Billsfanatixs

  1. So what's the move my brotha'. 😁
  2. Showcasing Moss has been my guess, I will be disappointed with any reason other than that.
  3. I must have watched with 20 times, makes me love him more. Now I see where the PYSCHO talk came from hahah I was trying to pretend I didn't care but, was pretty upset, they flash to Dorsey and I laughed out loud!
  4. You know Josh realized as he trucked that guy, yup I'm gonna win Angry runs. Can't wait for it! Couldn't have drawn up a QB I would like more than Josh. Go Bills!
  5. Allen Run, first down plus a stiff arm
  6. You can't start another thread....your a** will be kicked up one side and down the other. We CAN NOT deal with additional lines of text to scroll through Ya dig?
  7. Personally, I get super Runked (Let me know if Runked is a new term), the night before the season opener so I can sleep till an hour before the game.
  8. This is why we can have nice things... 😆
  9. Missed the game last night, got on this morning to watch that 82 yard punt, anyone else burst out laughin' like, "That is absolutely ridiculous, have i seen that before?" Had to see if that Monster Boot he uncorked appeared on the all time 100 punters list. The list loads up and there is this highly athletic 90's Eagles Quarterback picture shows up, "No Way" Mind went straight to "Come on Randle, are you serious?" Notice Randall Cunningham, the man can't even let punters feel good about themselves, he is #3 on NFL's All Time Longest Single Game Punts!!!! Omg! In History! The dude was not the first scrambling QB, but he raised the bar Anyway, scrolled down this list and saw Punt God AZA is tied for 19th longest in NFL history. [highlighted in yellow for those who don't wanna admit they are older but can't see s**t crowd like me]. I will tolerate a great deal of suck to keep this guy, He would have to muff more than several punts for me to start sufferfing about this haha. Bills have had stellar punters here in the past no joke. but come on, have you ever been more excited to punt the ball? The man has a hell of a start, may the legend continue to grow. How glad are you all that we are on the right side of the Ass-Kickin?????!!!! GO BIlls!
  10. Mmmmm Ribs.....
  11. No idea the internet could be so vulgar and mean spirited. I have had a blessed and wholesome experiance online until just now.☹️
  12. Face palming me? Son! I cant with you either, still love a fellow Bills fan but damn you folk make it Crazaaayzeee!
  13. Come on man, tryin to talk to people who like more content, sorry i added a line of text to your life that you cant handle. I come here to talk football, not to be brow beat by some hall monitor that has importantcy issues. Not sure if thats a word, but let it sink in. You are still a Bills fan, and when can't relate to having the last word. Take your shot, ill let it bounce off my chin like so many ba**s. Go Bills!
  14. This should be a good long thread, pretty sure some people have been trigged. feelin good, sorry that you had to take the pounding >:)
  15. I remember when men were men, just saying the word requisite makes me think, maybe this guy should be on a dress stiching forum.
  16. Alright, 2 v 1 im in, can you slide me some content or Vids from camp?
  17. Yya damn right it did, If you want a forum with zero content then you are climbing the right tree. No hard feelings bro, but what the hell else is there to talk about? Go Bills Were you a mod on the Bills forum back in the day? I think you put me in jail for a week. Here i go again!
  18. Lots of people talking that Josh is MVP, but there is this other group of folk that want the Longjevity before they will accept a players accomplihments. Valid point, Aaron Rogers is the guy that everyone points to as the Incumbent, some say Mahomes, both Legit. Today I had to watch Aarons most clutch plays, walking away convinced, Josh might be the most cluch player I have ever seen at QB. The clutch plays from Rodgers were solid, but the dude has a serious O-Line. Mahomes is amaing, good luck if they have 1st and goal, inside the 10. Mahomes might have a slight edge on Allen when it comes to short, shovel passes inside the 10 and the dude makes it happen all over right? Watching Allen be clutch throwing deep AF, I dont think I have ever seem more carnival crazy throws than this dude makes on the regular. Allen is better than Mahomes and Rogers and that is effin that! Go Bills~!
  19. I love it, would jizz if he did, and if he hit the numbers you're talking about Beane should be GM of the year. He probably should get that even if GR doesnt explode. Talking heads all over mostly agree Buffalo has the most talented roster in the NFL. Von Miller being the only Big name hired gun on this roster
  20. I hate being the guy(feel dirty, like im pats fan), assuming that the Bill's are great and there are 1 or 2 maybe, that compete))Feeling like Bengals might be "Top Opponent" this year. If they can improve that horratious O-Line, i just wanna say, how many times, can a "Joe" named QB not won the superbowl. Bengals will be there, to deal with in playoffs, unless Joe gets hurt. Hate him cuz hes not on the Bills and ill take Josh 70% of the time. GO BILLS! Trade mark on "Horatious" and "Hereditory"
  21. Spielman, Spikes, and Paup Good luck running against that LB core
  22. He should be able to wear his own color uniform, he is that good!
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