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Everything posted by buffblue

  1. Maybe he can light up Rodgers like Moats did to Favre
  2. I like this one for sure
  3. Yep would almost certainly be the case for any RB that is drafted, so the age doesn't really matter
  4. And let's inject politics into the draft discussion. Great idea
  5. It is when you're the Bills. We've seen this movie over and over
  6. There goes the last receiver that could really help us. So annoying year after year the lack of urgency placed on that position. Our WR room is dreadful
  7. It is a massive, blinking red light need regardless of drafting Coleman. We have almost zero speed AND have no proven separator on the outside.
  8. The writeups on this guy seem very positive. Would've preferred Franklin or Walker but this was a need. Let's hope Buffalo will still grab a 2nd wide out with speed
  9. To me this would be acceptable but hardly a dream scenario. McConkey is the only sure thing of those five and he has a relatively low ceiling
  10. Such a shame. Oakland is a great baseball market and has such a rich history. I'm a Yankees fan and the A's just finished their last trip to the Bronx. I wish the parties would reconsider
  11. Damn, had no idea man lol. My condolences. I honestly feel out of all the relocations in major sports over the last few decades that no one deserves it less than A's fans. A sad situation
  12. Risky move though, wouldn't you agree?
  13. As Jonah Hill said in Moneyball, "This is the type of move that can get you fired"
  14. Nah, we need a Reid Ferguson replacement
  15. Why do I feel John McCargo is going to be our pick?
  16. This is honestly lining up good for the Bills...so far. WR run started in early 20's last year
  17. They need another receiver obviously
  18. Is he is good as Aaron Maybin? Asking for a friend
  19. Agreed. I would be ecstatic with Worthy
  20. Becoming more of a possibility with each pick
  21. Well Tyron Smith hasn't played double digit games in like 10 years, so...
  22. Jets not taking OL would've been very...Jetsy Smart move imo
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