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  1. Sorry - make it TWO Prime Passes for Nate Dogg.
  2. One Prime Spot here please! Bringing the special ribs for Mrs. Guff!
  3. SIDNEY!! See you up there, my brother. HECK YES! Will Hammer open at 11 or 12?
  4. Two Prime please. We'll be there at 7 sharp!
  5. 396 miles. Six hours door to door.
  6. This is a great idea. Webb has more experience anyway.
  7. Don't see the harm in it, as long as his time is limited. He's gotta get game-speed reps in, especially with the new receivers. I'd expect a fair amount of handoffs, so Pitt has nothing to go on as far as game film in the passing game.
  8. In. Driving, so bringing full tailgate: gazebo, grill, tables, tunes, the whole sheboygan. And @Guffalo is my +1!
  9. WAIT A MINUTE... Ticketmaster official resale. $250-ish/seat.
  10. Heck yes - just got tix! Looking forward to seeing everyone, and especially the Stromboli!!
  11. Hey @Alphadawg7 - congrats on the trip and the impending engagement! I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but I would definitely make Anchor Bar a priority during your stay. Especially on the Saturday night before the home opener, the place is packed, fans from both teams jawing at each other (all in good fun) and just a great party atmosphere. We do it every year, and then get to Hammer's at around 6:30 am. Highly recommend!
  12. It's a bummer because he was very good for us in the years he was here. I would guess McKenzie will slide into the role now? He's underutilized on this team, in my opinion.
  13. Ok. So what about tailgating for the rest of us???
  14. Okay - it's now official that 6700 fans will be allowed in for the *first playoff game. Pleeeeeeeeaaaase tell me we can gather in Hammer's Lot for a tailgate prior to the game? Are there county restrictions in Erie or can we do it?
  15. Best line of this thread from @matter2003: We are also a Hail Mary away from being on an 8 game winning streak...
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