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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. A 3rd for Smith? Im in. More than that, Im out!
  2. What? Its been his worst year of the 3. Sorry misunderstood....Versus Mariota...Agree
  3. Tyrod lovers will do anything...If you like comparing Tyrod to Mariota.....
  4. Let me be the first to say: Go back to your boards. This is war and we don't need this kindness from a Jagoffs fan. Go back to your hole and most importantly: GO BILLS!
  5. He should be a decoy if healthy anyways: this Jags defense is nasty. Play action all day baby!
  6. but how high is it gonna be?
  7. Funny how only the east think its cold yet the West is breaking records for heat.
  8. 3 Hours? Ive been up for 9 hours now!!! We shall see!
  9. Valid question. There is an investigation going on correct? he might not finish his term.
  10. I called his win just a little before he was the nominee and I will call his loss now in the 2020
  11. You are right, im playing the Pats and upon further review, I was wrong. I didn't call it a year before the election but I did call it very early and before he was the Republican nominee. Now, my wife will obviously not come on here to confirm this cuz she would tell me to grow up and to get off a Bills forum! HEHEHEH!
  12. Sessions is clueless and a big liar at the same time.
  13. I called it as well, so not a big deal. She is a biggot and fits well in Trump nation
  14. Lots of smoke.....trump's days are numbered
  15. Anything coming out of Coulter's mouth is also a bunch of BS.
  16. It’s unreal how Sanders can defend lie and twist Trumps precise words.
  17. Its almost 13:00 eastern time zone...Wolf will be on soon and then we get to see Sanders tip toe, dodge, lie and then get infuriated and change questions.
  18. Like who? I dont think there are any showboaters on here.
  19. Don't uncover the truth....It's not a lie if I believe it!
  20. And they say the Libs are sensitive....
  21. Dont watch the latest Chappelle Special he knocks Trump pretty hard. Would make you hard nosed republicans cry. Nope, she's one of the best actresses ever. Very talented and guess what...WOmen have been victims for years and years. I suggest you go watch the movie Suffragette.
  22. Trump is a knob and everyone knows it.
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