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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. It doesn't matter if it was right or wrong. When you cheer for the Patriots or Brady like I've been doing for over 24 hours now, you realize that you don't fret the little stuff!
  2. Goodell is a fine man. He was really concerned about the Bills and admitted that the NFL mishandled that whole Toronto deal.
  3. I see the QB's doing the play clock motion to the refs, but I don't see the refs give it every time. Its so nice to cheer for Brady cuz he doesn't have to worry about this. He gets it every time and I feel good about myself.
  4. Im hoping Pats win this weekend. I want to see one time what it feels like to cheer for the Patriots. I have a feeling my blood pressure will be much much lower and that my mind will be at ease for the first time in years! Go Pats!
  5. He has won me over. All of these years of fighting it. Being in denial all the while it was right in my face. Just cheer for the Pats and relieve my stress! GO Pats! Enjoy Tyrod boys! Im outta here. I feel so free...Like Steve Miller " I wanna fly like an eagle "
  6. All of a sudden, Im cheering for the Pats to win.....
  7. Funny how people forget 2010. Thank you Obama and Liberals for making America Great Again
  8. Not a big deal people. Too much stress on this forum for a history that repeats itself all of the time: When Republicans in Power, create Tax Break, economy crashes towards end of mandate, Liberals clean up the crap, get the economy going again, lose the election, Republicans start the vicious cycle again.
  9. Jones was terrible. Had trouble articulating his words and just like receiving, he was nowhere near a starter!
  10. You guys are all missing the Boat! McBeane is signing Watkins and Garropollo! West coast! I put 2 and 2 together!
  11. I realize Glenn has been oft-injured and I don't know the severity of it. Also, it seems like his weight is out of control. However, I will trust the process. IF Glenn is part of the " Stank " then they will get rid of him. However, I have found that when he plays, the O-line gets better immediately. I don't want to see him go is what Im saying....unless his locker room presence or attitude stinks of the me, me, me kind. Cheers
  12. Either you love him or hate him. But I have some friends who loved him at first and now can't stand him.
  13. I said exactly this in the Shoutbox after it happened and got creamed by the idiots there saying it was a perfect pass..... I never got the call from McBeane asking me if we should run these boys out? Dareus: Overrated bum. Gilmore: Contract year and underachieved as a Bill. Watkins: Oft injured, big baby and Contract year. But hey, we turn on this great talent and run them out of Buffalo!!! hahaha. Last time I checked, other than Gilmore ( and you can thank Brady and the refs ) we all be eating Pizza and watching the SB.
  14. hes not cheering the TD: The runner got tackled way after the TD. It should have been a penalty for personal foul. Then there was a melee and its obvious the ref is in there trying to separate and something was said and he more or less smiles and says: ( what seems to be ) " enough, alright "
  15. After 3 quarters in Pats game Bortles has 230 yards passing. Tyrod would still be 95 or so.
  16. You guys bite all the time. CNN is a business. Talking about big fat Trump sells. Its as easy as that.
  17. Would love to see a video come out of the Trumpmeister grabbing the Storm by the kitty!
  18. Just look in the mirror and say it loud..Im a proud republican, Trump is a big idiot.
  19. Thanks for the correction...but... BOOM: The idiom is usually written chomping at the bit, and some people consider this spelling wrong. But chomp can also mean to bite or chew noisily (though chomped things are often eaten, while champed things are not), so chomp at the bit means roughly the same as champ at the bit. In fact, chomp, which began as a variant of champ, is alive in English while the biting-related sense of champ is dead outside this idiom, so it’s no wonder that chomping at the bit is about 20 times as common as champing at the bit on the web. Champing at the bit can sound funny to people who aren’t familiar with the idiom or the obsolete sense of champ, while most English speakers can infer the meaning of chomping at the bit.
  20. Tyrod is chomping at the bit!
  21. Hard working everyday average American citizen at its best! Respect!
  22. I was driving and seeing the Updates: I was like, get one play off and if no TD, kick the Field goal then ONSIDE KICK. SO STUPID. and later I read that they Onside kicked it down 7??? DUDE IS WHACK no wat im sayin. Then I be like membering the famous trip on the sideline. I be make him pack his stuff like 5 year ago no wat I'm saying
  23. I even saw Brees do a QB sneak, but Bills haven't done one in 10 years it seems like.
  24. But damn..have you seen his TD-INT ratio?
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