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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. haha.. you did watch the games did you? that whole defence was the hardest hitting team Ive ever seen in a long time. I never noticed Marcel.
  2. Marcel who? That 100 million dollar fat piece of no motivation lard? His Instagram says #12,000
  3. sorry to hear about that.  How long ago did this happen?


    Ive got a few !@#$ed up stories from Brazil.  My sister in law got car jacked and they drove her to 3 banks to withdraw cash.  She had to hold the guy's hand to make it look like they were a couple in front of the bank cameras. Then they drove her in the woods and dropped her off. They could have easily killed her.  



  4. Retard? Did you just call me a retard? What are you, 7 years old? Go !@#$ yourself retard! That's how you say it here and fire a couple rounds in the air!
  5. Good night Irene! Who cares, As proven in the SB: RB's are a dime a dozen!
  6. Detroit! hahah Really? How many people own an extinguisher? Is it mandatory in the States? and if you had a gun, would you have the chance to pull it out?
  7. Sitting at home, watching TV or Sleeping and someone invaded your house. Waiting at the bus station and a motorbike pulls over and puts a gun to your head and asks for your wallet and cellphone or purse.
  8. Nope! Nope they don't! You see, I live in a Third world country and most average citizens don't have guns in theirs houses! I have been broken into when I was in bed sleeping with my family. Guess what. Having a gun in my hand was the last thing I wanted! Most criminals don't want to kill anyone. But you having a gun just increased the chance of someone getting killed. Finally, this has nothing to do with you having a gun. The criminals are not after your TV or Cellphone. If you aren't involved in Criminal Activities, there is a good chance in your lifetime you will never get invaded.
  9. That last part: "So Sad" was inspired by Trump Tweets!
  10. Hey American Government, shove your guns up your asses. You deserve more mass shootings! When is it going to end? SO sad!
  11. How many of you clowns been broken into or attacked by a gun wielding thug? Answer honestly and then tell me how you having a gun in your house is called protecting yourself....FROM WHAT?
  12. Is it me or is Trump always adjusting his tie and collar. Something must be tightening around that big fat neck.
  13. and lets not forget that Zay " Drop " Jones always had the best corner playing against him.
  14. When you say: BOUNCE BACK, that implies that he was bouncing at one point. Ill accept just BOUNCE!
  15. I got a rocket in my pocket!
  16. yes, it must be me! I just like making stuff up on the fly. Not only do they leave to watch Hannity, but they insist on telling me the next day they watch the replay 3 hours later in order to get a real goodnights sleep before having to face me!
  17. Work function out of town. Get together with the team after work. Staying at hotels!!! Im only reporting what I have experienced in my short life. Not a big deal!
  18. Ive met both Dems and Republicans in my lifetime at work functions or parties. I can honestly say that I have never met a Democrat at a work function or anywhere that has said: " see you later guys, Im gonna go watch CNN " . However, I can tell you that I have met plenty of Republicans that have left a function or party to say " Goodnight guys Im going to watch Oreilly or Hannity on Fox News" Giving props to the Reps that are truly hardcore brainwashed! And Dems who always are non-supportive of their core media.
  19. Ive been using the same diet. The fat diet.
  20. https://www.mediaite.com/online/sean-hannitys-blog-speculates-that-obama-portrait-has-hidden-secret-sperm/ Most conservatives that tip!
  21. Wasn't my point. Im only talking about tipping. Big props to anyone who tips, just don't need to mention it every time while leaving the table. Im not gay by any means and it doesn't matter, but I would bet that the go to Good looking World leader comes from Canada and is a liberal.
  22. I don't know why, but Americans are always proud of the way they tip. Like they did some really big life changing thing by giving 5$ to an employee that is going to go buy a pack of smokes and a bud light tall boy.
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