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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. Geno has a cocaine nose
  2. "What's that? Did someone say Playoffs? Playoffs? I only hope we get a damn QB to win another game" Changed Mora's quote a little but you get the jist!
  3. After watching a few videos. Nothing impresses me here.
  4. I just take it for what it is LAGrant. Everyone knows he's got the good one liners. That is all he brings to the boards. If he feels good about it, that is what counts. He makes me smile and laugh as well. in regards to opinions and points of views on anything, He is vanilla. no flavor....but again, his one liners are funny!
  5. America First. Wayne LaPierre for President!
  6. The Constitution. Laws created 300 years ago when the Model T was still 200 years away! Great Stuff
  7. Over the top much? Go buy some bitcoins. Its all about Decentralization.
  8. Whatever man, You guys so scared of losing everything. Jesus.
  9. Yup, the safest method of transportation...Nice comparison. Too bad those 17 won't have a chance to fly on a plane anymore. No one is debating that little handgun or shotgun the so called law abiding citizen is holding. Can you understand that?
  10. Hey just read this thread and then slowly insert foot in mouth!
  11. its such a mess here 3rd. The restrictions are there, but you cant control it. A police officer here makes 15 thousand dollars per year. They more corrupt than the gangsters. Dont even try to imagine or compare a Great Country like USA against a shithole like Brazil.
  12. its so much fun being the devil's advocate and nit picking on every little word and detail. We could go on for days and days! I clearly stated earlier that: People can keep certain types of guns for Sporting, Hunting, Protection. I don't see the need for AR-15 in our society. What is next? Cuz the future is just around the corner and there will be more powerful ( useless ) type weapons that the average Joe will be able to buy!
  13. I still stand by that declaration! No one, and I repeat, no one should possess and AR15 in their homes.
  14. What was the age of the guy that shot up the bar in Florida You don’t have to. I wrote earlier that I can’t understand why someone would want an AR-15 or AK-47. Sorry for my ignorance. A nice healthy discussion is good! We are all Bills fans. We should have AK47d Rex Ryan outta here!
  15. What do you think? Should be pretty obvious. And I don’t live in an organized country like the States.
  16. But the NRA B word said that she was living by herself at 20 and needed a gun to protect herself so how will they increase the age if the NRA rep doesn’t agree
  17. I don’t need “ expertise authority “ to know, see and understand what normal behavior of a society is. One that should be living together in harmony and respect of one another. Making AR-15 available to the everyday average joe is financially driven and then brainwashed to the weak links of this society through making you believe it has something to do with the second amendment. Rubio received 3.2 million dollars in the last 3 years from the NRA. No wonder he couldn’t tell his people that he would stop accepting NRA donations. Now if it was 10,000 donation, I’d bet any fool in here that yesterday he would have agreed to stop acceptIng donations. my beloved Bills fans. At the end of the day, Money Talks and bull **** walks.
  18. It’s a combination of mental health and hey look. I can get an AR-15. A weapon that is used in war situation to destroy the enemy! No citizen of this world should have an AR-15 in their homes.
  19. I will ask the same question and no one seems to have an answer that I can comprehend. Why an AR-15? A good ole shotgun should suffice when it comes to home security.
  20. I claimed I wont and cant understand why you would want an AR-15 for fun. Good work on comprehension HOSS!
  21. Hope it never happens to one of your loved ones. Your tune will change quickly and drastically.
  22. Any weapon that can fire rounds and rounds without needing it to be reloaded before killing at least 15-20 people needs to be banned. Any weapon that can blow out a human's brain and make them non identifiable should be banned. I'm all for practice shooting and having it as a sport. but Jesus Christ, there has to be a way to stop this crap from going on. Most common sense people don't want to take the 99% of the good people's guns away. Go hunting, go practice shoot. Arm yourself with a gun for safety. IM all for that. Just take the weapons that mass destruct in a few seconds off of the market. I can't explain it better than this and I can't understand the other side of someone wanting to own an AR-15 for fun. Cheers all, Good luck I
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