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KW95 - JA17

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Everything posted by KW95 - JA17

  1. I did 36-49 Prior to Brady
  2. Mcdermott must be the second coming of christ then cuz he took this team to the playoffs!
  3. Reed is -7. That is sick
  4. YEs, He was a .500 coach before Brady fell into his lap. He might be a good defensive coach, but with Brady, he would be like Gregg or Son of Bum or many others. I guess the question I can throw back is: are you just going to dismiss his 36-44 record as a head coach prior to Brady??
  5. Fully agree, that .500 record before Brady proves it! Rex Ryan had a .500 record as well,,,,Ryan never had a QB!
  6. Bellicheat is not that good. He lucked into Brady and that sums up his career! there is so much bellicheat love on this forum it’s sickening!
  7. I realize the CFL is not the NFL and that maybe I'm misunderstanding your message, but can you please reword your comment in regards to comparing the CFL to hitting rock bottom?
  8. Glen is so fat the equipment manager had to add an N and a 7 to his jersey!
  9. Thanks Zay for being a huge role model for my family and I. I hope everything works out and all of us can catch footballs for the Bills of Buffalo. You and our family deserve it!
  10. I fully agree. Those games with 60 yards passing really proves that Tyrod is one of the best.
  11. So who are those bad players that get in trouble and are winning championships consistently? In the last few years we had Zay, CK, Dareus. Aint me seen no championship!
  12. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/spurs-gregg-popovich-responds-to-march-for-our-lives-criticizes-president-trump/
  13. it matches your scumbag posts in the Shoutbox!
  14. Why? was someone posting faster than you?
  15. Hey America, Notice how South American Girls have this thing called a Bum? North American girls are all back and legs! Ass of a bear! Flatter than Florida's landscape. Gug: House is open. Bring your blueballs and gnat dick over here!
  16. Another player speculation and another poster writing: watch the Pats, the Pats will pick him up. Blah blah! He denied the CFL contract because of his hand size. He never new they played with bigger balls!
  17. Depending on wind, lie, fairway or rough, hole location; Bump and Run is the better choice. Its always easier to get the ball rolling rather than judging a distance to the hole in the air!
  18. Seriously, he's a terrible SB winner! Not only that, he got squeezed in to defend man to man against Gronk a few times. Guess what. Any cornerback is losing that battle. 23 years old, came back from a major injury, Super Bowl champ. Id love to have me some of that! I think White and Darby would be good together! Even though he looks like a Giraffe.
  19. GO to the end of video. Tyrod releases that early. Who was wrong? Zay or Tyrod or both suck?
  20. I just watched the play 5 times. I hate Tyrod, but he released this ball in the right spot. Not sure why Say broke to the sideline for that ball.
  21. Your opening statement killed your point: " He may have dropped this one " End of story. You lost all reason after this. Cheers
  22. How would you know? You don’t watch CNN! I’m not good with names but they always have a bunch of Trump guys on there. Hell, just last night they had Allan the Jew Dershowitz defending trump!
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