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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. Double digit INTs is the normal for pretty much all QBs. Even the best QBs throw 13-15 INTs a season. So no, I don't think he cuts it in half
  2. Which brings it back to my point. They will need to take a shorter term higher paid deal and then go from there. Teams aren't gonna lock long term contracts on RBs anymore
  3. Someone on Twitter said that RBs are gonna have to start negotiating differently. When their rookie contracts are up, they will have to start negotiating shorter term, higher paid deals. Something like 2 years $30 million and then go from there. That way teams aren't locked into almost 30 year old RBs on 5 year deals. The RBs won't like it. But it may be the best way for them to go
  4. I agree. After the 2nd preseason game, just sell the team
  5. Yeah, they are real bad on Thruways. I drive through Grand Island at 70mph and I will have a group of motorcyclists fly past me all the time. There's times as I am about to get into another lane, I see them in my mirror couple car lengths back and then before I even turn my head to the side to watch them go by so I can get into the next lane, they are already 5 car lengths ahead of me. I don't know why they think they are invincible
  6. It's not just people on cars and trucks that don't pay attention. I constantly see motorcycle drivers flying down streets at 90mph when the speed limit is only 50mph and then flying right in front of people and cutting them off. It's not always dumb car and truck drivers
  7. Minnesota actually hosted the Bills 2nd Super Bowl against the Redskins in January of 92. I don't know of any other Super Bowl outside of that though
  8. And here I thought this would be an actual post about preseason game prices
  9. That's insane. No need to have him out until week 14 They play 2 different positions
  10. It's so funny to watch these guys act like kids playing football in the backyard. I love this team
  11. It was already 1st and goal. That's why it didn't matter to him
  12. Klecko explained this in Jim Kelly's "A Football Life". He said Kelly was just talking all game and said something to Klecko he didn't like. There was another penalty right before that that moved the ball to the 1 yard line. Red Cashion the ref called the penalty and Klecko said "Red, how can you call that?" And Kelly looked at Klecko and said "oh, first name basis, huh?" And that was when Klecko thought "what a good time for 15 yard penalty. They're only gonna move the ball 6 inches" since they were already at the 1 yard line. To be fair, Kelly was a prick when he played. Not necessarily justifying that play. Just explaining it from how Klecko explained it
  13. I'd be willing to bet you Allen isn't even in the top 5. He was 10 in 2021 after a breakout year in 2020 and he was 13 last year. I expect him to be somewhere in the back half of the top 10. Would love to be wrong though
  14. How can they do this to a Buffalo wall of famer?
  15. And would you be referring to Coors "pisswater" Light?
  16. They just cleared 33 million in cap space so maybe this was why
  17. Why not do the same helmet with the signature light blue like Elway had? I don't get the white helmet
  18. This was said to be on Josh Jacobs Spotify list earlier today
  19. Well, if this team plays up to its potential every week, I think there's no way they miss the playoffs. After the Jets game week 1, we have games against The Raiders, Commanders, Dolphins, Jaguars, Giants, Patriots and Buccaneers. There is no reason not to go at the very least 6-2 over the first 8 game. If we can get off to that kind of start, I think we win 12 or 13 easily
  20. Is this supposed to mean that I think OJ is innocent? I don't
  21. If that's truly what happened then yes, getting excited and finishing during a massage isn't assault like is being claimed
  22. I'm wrong? That a guy finishing automatically means assault during a massage? If you can prove that, then say something
  23. It doesn't necessarily mean he finished every time. But it certainly could have happened here and there
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