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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. He doesn't win all close games but he has won quite a few
  2. McDermott: "it's definitely our players fault, they are really tired. I do an excellent job at preparation, they definitely don't execute the plan I layout. Game plans are terrific, end game strategy is fine and game management is phenomenal. The players make me burn those timeouts. I have 22 excuses, 11 on offense and 11 on defense. That's the problem, Terry. Are we done here? I gotta put together a great defensive game plan to beat the bye week. That would be embarrassing if the players can't execute my wonderful game plan and game management against the bye week"
  3. I want no part of Bienemy either. The dude has a rap sheet which I think is why he hasn't gotten a job yet. Not to mention he has been known to interview like crap and rubs players and coaches the wrong way. No thanks
  4. Is that what it's come to? Moral victories. "Hey, we lost. But we took the league's best team to OT". Who cares?
  5. This is somewhat what I am terrified of if we fired McDermott. I feel like if Belichick gets let go from New England that Terry will wanna make headlines and get Belichick here and I honestly want no part of that. The dude has always been extremely overrated and I'd rather go younger with an up and comer with a good offensive mind
  6. I hear ya. I often say the same thing. Should we move on from McDermott? Sure. But then it will be the same thing. Another coach that doesn't get us there. It just is what it is. I will always watch because the Bills are my crack and I am the addict. But we aren't winning anything
  7. I keep saying that we are all in an abusive relationship with our football team. Every week they give us black eyes and fat lips but we come back every time
  8. Okey dokey. I can't do this anymore. Lol. Have a good night
  9. He has no issues with separation. He like any other elite WR has bad weeks here and there and they have been more prevalent in what was a bad offense as a whole for 6 weeks. So, what you're saying is Diggs hasn’t been able to separate in the same time our offense became completely predictable and sputtered? I don't think it's coincidence. The offense has been the problem And by the way, saying someone can't separate and isn't elite anymore is basically saying he's over the hill without saying he's over the hill lol
  10. Have WRs never had a couple bad games in a row? Jamarr Chase has been crap the last 2 weeks. Is that issues with Separation? What about AJ Brown? 1 catch for 8 yards last week and only 20 yards receiving this week. AJ Brown looks slow and can't separate. He had a drop on the last drive. He's not elite. He's 26. Starting to get a little over the hill. The offense has to do with it. Not the player. His only issues recently is drops. Not separation
  11. It's not an opinion. He has no issues with separation
  12. I don’t need a stat. I watch the games. I also see that we had problems as a whole as an offense which effects things but you wanna disregard the offensive problems and use it to say Diggs has lost a step
  13. Lmao. He was elite in week 6. He is elite now. The offense was the problem. When you don't have a number 2 and a predictable offense, it's gonna cause issues. But you believe what you want if it helps you sleep better You do remember in the New England game when he clearly beat his man on a deep ball and Allen misfired, right? Diggs went for 57 yards that game. If Allen hits Diggs in his hands, he goes for 120. Perfectly good example
  14. No, firing Beane is a huge mistake. Talent isn't the problem here. Coaching is
  15. Diggs is fine. He is elite. When either McD goes next year or he goes somewhere else. You will be proved wrong lol. I think he is personally checked out as has been the case since last season ended.
  16. It was Brady's first game last week. He tried different things. He had short week and a condensed game plan. Today was a lot different and you could see it. Today was better than any game Dorsey called all season and outside of one drop today, Diggs looked normal. There are no separation issues with Diggs
  17. Brady's first game. What did he do the week before with the last week under Dorsey? He had 6 catches today for 74 and a TD. So what are you talking about?
  18. He had TWO bad weeks all season. ONE was with Dorsey and then last week. Today, he was much better. You're going off the very first game under the new OC? There was a difference today and it should continue unless he has mentally checked out which is entirely possible
  19. Your opinion is wrong. He has no separation issues. His lack of production has come from having a crappy offense for weeks
  20. We had a predictable offense which is a huge part of the problem and you think Diggs has separation issues?
  21. He has no issues with separation. You don't lose that from week 6 to week 11. I think there are other issues at play like mental issues. I promise you, there are no separation issues right now. You don't know what you're watching if you think that's case and when he goes somewhere else next year and proves it, you'll feel a certain way that isn't good lol
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