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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. I don't have an attitude. Just watch the teams play. Tell me how you think the 2 are any different from each other if the offenses were flipped? One really isn't any better than the other, the Lions simply use LaPorta the way he is supposed to be used. Period
  2. Screw the seeding. We don't want the Texans lingering. Kill them off
  3. There's no question to be had. If you honestly think LaPorta looks just as good in our offense as he does in Detroit, I hate to break it to you, it would make no difference. Kincaid would be the better TE if he was in Detroit
  4. I'll settle this real quickly. Take LaPorta out of the Lions offense and put him in the Bills offense and take Kincaid and put him in the Lions offense, production is flipped. There, now go back to not making stupid posts. It's not Kincaid, it's how they are used
  5. One of the best throws I have seen. He threw that about 25 yards off his back foot with 10 guys in his face and still made that play. Amazing
  6. Ok. ONE team in the whole conference. TWO teams in the entire NFL. No other team looks like a dominant championship caliber team
  7. Only the 49ers look like a championship team right now. So, what do you have to say about all the other teams that will be in the playoffs? Do all the same apply to them as it does the Bills? They don't look championship caliber? The offense has looked better under Brady. Not so much last night but in the previous 4 games. Or do you choose not to believe that. And again, look at the Chiefs. They have the same problems
  8. Have the Chiefs, the defending super bowl Champs not had "lucky" wins this season? Is there a team outside of maybe the 49ers that are actually hitting on all cylinders right now? I mean, do people really think about what they say before they say it? We were on a short week against a team off an extended time off and more rested, just fired their head coach and were ready to play hard for their interim guy, we went all the way out to the west coast to do this and got everything the Chargers had. Had Staley still been there, I think we would have demolished them. We won, enjoy it. I'm tired of fans complaining after a win. It's Christmas. Have some beer, eat some cookies, watch some football and enjoy yourself. Don't think about how "lucky" we were. By the way, Josh was fine last night. Outside of 1 pick, and a couple of mis throws, he was fine
  9. How are you all feeling on this Christmas eve after that win last night? Honestly, I feel relieved. If we had lost that game last night, it would have taken the wind out of my sails and it would have made the holiday less better. But knowing that we got the W and I can just sit back and relax and enjoy the 1pm games and then spend time with family later and be able to just enjoy the holiday makes it that much better. Merry Christmas Bills fans. Enjoy your holiday. Go Bills
  10. What makes the Browns or Texans any better than the Bills? We are much much much better talent wise all over the board over any of those teams. If people consider the Chiefs as a playoff team, then the Bills should be a playoff team. They are identical this season. Outside of the 49ers and maybe the Ravens, there doesn't really seem to be any dominant teams in the NFL this year
  11. So, which one of the "unplayoff worthy" teams is the most non playoff team to you? The Texans, Colts, Browns or us? I would take us over any one of those teams. There are many factors why we almost lost to the Chargers tonight. They were coming off extra rest from a Thursday night embarrassment, they were playing at home with a new HC that they were gonna play their ass off for, we kept turning the ball over and if that didn't happen we win this game by at least 2 scores. Any team could have went through this. Are the Chiefs a playoff team to you this year? Because them and the Bills are literally identical
  12. Yeah, the turnovers have to stop. It's getting very old. I'm tired of games that shouldn't be close becoming grinds because of us being stupid with turnovers
  13. Jake Browning has never been elite lol
  14. People that say he's done don't take into consideration the guy had 5 100 yard receiving games on the first 7 games. You don't go from being elite to not having it anymore in the same season. Something is wrong but it's not him being done. I really wonder if he is just mentally not in the game for some reason. I have noticed he doesn't really seem to have the fire anymore and maybe he wants out and he figures doing what he is doing is his best way out after the season. He's being very uncharacteristic with dropping balls and fumbling so to me it's mental and the comments from him brother after the Denver game he "needs to get out of here" doesn't just come out of thin air. I believe they have discussed it. And maybe it's on his mind
  15. This was Brady's worse game as OC in my opinion. I hope he is better than he was tonight. I have liked everything he has done up to this point but tonight reminded me of Dorsey too much
  16. First Bills road win against the Chargers since 1981
  17. A timeout on a 4th and 30 when you know you have to punt?
  18. Has everyone stepped back from the ledge yet?
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