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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. Can we say that this is getting out of hand? Paying QBs $50 million a year is one thing, paying them that kind of money when they haven't earned it yet is another. This is insane
  2. That's $53 million a year for Tua. Damn
  3. Ok. So, if the game is easier, then what's the problem with another game?
  4. Do you think people b*tched and moaned this much when the league went from 14 games to 16 games in 1978? There probably wasn't really anyone complaining about greed then. They all just went with the flow
  5. If I could tellaport to and from the game and avoid traffic. I'd go to every home game. I love the game and stadium experience, I absolutely hate the traffic. Especially trying to get home after a loss
  6. Or he just doesn't feel well lol
  8. Who were his QBs again?
  9. This is where Beane does some restructures and we get excited and then he does nothing with the money So, that's what they were doing at the beach. I thought it was weird to see 2 guys punching sand. But now it totally makes sense
  10. Kick their damn a**ses. Oh...wait..... it's just a scrimmage
  11. There were some people that defended Gruden when this went down in regard to the "Rubber lips" comment he made to I think it was Upshaw or Demaurice Smith at the time. It was a phrase that Gruden used frequently to call out anyone he thought was lying to him. Because he said it in an email to Upshaw, people took it as a racist statement. But I saw different people who knew Gruden defend him when he said that
  12. I love Josh and I think he will be a HOFer, but what kind of Kool Aid are you drinking? Did you have a 30 year old Ecto Cooler? I think it may be damaging some brain cells
  13. Ok now players with Jersey letters starting from Z. I'll start Z Oh....wait.... this isn't a thing. Nevermind. Carry on
  14. Never heard of McBath. Was he better than McShower?
  15. Like mute button quiet? Or just turning the volume down for 30 to 10 quiet?
  16. I think this guy is going through something. His first couple years he seemed spot on. Now he has become completely unreliable. It's strange
  17. Only 10 years? I feel like it's been 15
  18. So, since Madden 25 came out 10 years ago for the 25th anniversary of would this be Madden 25 Part II?
  19. This I disagree with but it has to be a special special kind of talent.
  20. It says "inadequate evidence". So, I'm not gonna call it a technicality. Were they both drinking? Drunken sex happens all the time
  21. Lack of evidence isn't a technicality
  22. I think you're naive if you think any any woman may not lead you on at any random time. These are professional athletes with lots of money. I think it's very safe to assume that even at work, yes, a woman can lead a guy on at work. I'm not saying it happened in this situation but for you to make a sarcastic remark like it would never ever ever ever happen is just naive. It's grinding. My main concern would be something far worse than that. Would I want it to happen? No, but to sue him for it? Come on. It's the same if I had a wife, a girl at work put her a** into me on purpose and hit on me, would I think my wife would like it? Probably not, but I'm not suing her over it either
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