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Everything posted by GrizzReaper

  1. Hopefully this is really happening and NE is finally ready to have a fork stuck in em... https://youtu.be/1rWZIGS10TU Weird the URL to YouTube plays it but the embedded video says there is license mumbo jumbo...
  2. If he did mess up... Broke the substance abuse policy. Do you really think he gets booted? I mean maybe a harsh suspension? I suppose his less than stellar rookie year won't help him. His actions were bad for a drunk or drugged guy but people in the NFL have done worst. He may be able to keep playing idk
  3. Saints mentioned a guy going to the ground then loses the ball. If the guy isn't "down" and he loses the ball I say its a fumble not a completion. IF he clearly is holding the ball in his possession in any way shape or form then yeah fumble. Because if he didn't lose it he would have a completion. Right? Idk it just seems overly complicated to me. Get back to old school football.
  4. You know what else... Whoever sold that footage to TMZ is a real dirtbag. If it was one of his friends. That so called friend just made $ off of Zays hardship. Totally messed up.
  5. Yeah... and don't dismiss the possibility however remote that someone could've slipped him something without his knowledge. That kind of stuff DOES happen. It could be some other idiots fault for all we know.
  6. Really wish him the best. Glad his brother was there to save him. He gets to wake up and move forward and that's all he can do. Sucks he has to have it all out there in social media... TMZ is ruthless.
  7. Yeah I know it'll cause issues re: fumbles you're totally right. They really over do it though. There has to be a simpler way... That makes some sort of fricken sense. Maybe they just deal with it.. let it cut both ways. Just don't fricken fumble. Put the onus on the players. That's football.
  8. I had a friend who called them oodles of noodles and another one swore they were called Roman noodles lmao
  9. LoL that was the best laugh I had all night... Ty
  10. Yeah I don't think it's crazy to think"hey maybe AJ can be a decent QB." I see a lot of posters shooting it down like it's ludicrous but I don't really see a reason why. Maybe they watched him through college and all his NFL starts and know something I don't but personally I have some hopes for him IF we get stuck with him, Peterman and like you said any of the other possible QBs they can get outside the top 4. Can't wait till the draft dust settles myself... This time of the year drives me nuts.
  11. Idk... If we do stay put and don't trade away our picks I would be bummed that we didn't get a QB. However I'd get over it and look forward to A: seeing what McCarron can do fully prepping as a starter and B: how the next generation of talent looks across the team post draft. I'm not totally sold that McCarron is nothing more than a manager... The guy hasn't played much. He started a handful of games as a backup. I know he didn't throw 5 interceptions in 1 half of football when he was asked to either. So he has that over Nate. After seeing the Jets jump us I'm honestly worried about the Giants holding our feet to the fire because we so desperately want a QB and raping us for all our picks... Then again I have faith in Beane not to overpay or overvalue. If he does pay big I'll assume he really wanted the QB he gets and hope for the best. I guess I'm going to trust this process thing they implemented last year.
  12. It is a dumb rule... If the guy has the ball it's a frickin catch. Why do they have to make it so complicated?
  13. Just finished a bowl of the ole crackhead soup myself...
  14. Think he meant to say "Lord I want some Ramen" then his Twitter tourette kicked in... Just speculating.
  15. *points at all of you*
  16. I think Sammy has Twitter tourette...
  17. Yeah that hit definitely ended Edwards... Like others have said I don't think he was going to be great but he was a changed man after Aneas labeled him.
  18. Ahhh man... This MB never let's me down when I need a good laugh.
  19. I've cracked a few jokes but on a serious note... He was real lucky to have his brother there. He's alive and the good thing is he can learn and move forward if it was a bad choice. He's fortunate in that regard... Some folks don't get that chance.
  20. That's totally possible... If he does have any sort of underlying mental issues or trauma. Boy oh boy a bunch of booze will bring those demons out.
  21. I'm trying to imagine the clean pocket...
  22. Because you knew this would happen? Lolz ok
  23. Dude... I just said that
  24. A highly toxic plant that can cause hallucinations. I think some soldiers way back in the colonial days actually ate it bc they were starving... That unit had some issues. You can find it in pretty landscaping too. Don't let your kids snap a twig off and chew it. I've heard it actually smells good.
  25. Yeah I get it but there is a chance... He didn't do whatever he did on his own. Maybe not likely but we don't have all the facts. I've watched idiots drop a strip of acid into a guys drink when he went to use the bathroom. It happens. Very uncool btw.
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