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Everything posted by jkeerie

  1. It seems like he's nonchalanting it...not driving the ball, so it's drifting.
  2. You forget. We don't have Peterman anymore.
  3. Maybe they were all distracted because of the national focus. More thinking about their interviews versus focusing on practice.
  4. Aren't these voted on by the players themselves? They obviously see his fire and competitive spirit, and how he's turning the team around.
  5. Baker Mayfield was placed at number 50. It's on the NFL.com website. I seriously doubt Allen or Darnold are on the list.
  6. I recall when Charlie Steiner started laughing uncontrollably during one of the broadcasts. I think it was when Carl Lewis, the track star, was singing the national anthem at a ball game. It was horrid. Steiner was in tears laughing so hard...and of course, it made you laugh just as hard watching him.
  7. I just listened to Sean's presser. I didn't get the impression that he had concerns about Oliver. He was talking in the context of mentoring...how Star had Dwan Edwards to mentor him in the ways of being a professional. Now it's Star's turn to do the same with Oliver, though Ed has to take ownership and learn to do things himself. He was asked to elaborate and Sean discussed those things outside of practice that are important for players to do and to form the habits it takes to be a solid professional (what time you arrive, what time you leave, what to do in your free time, when to workout, when to get a massage, film study, etc.) Then he said it's "important that the habits that precede the winning are being built the right way and in a timely fashion for these young players." So I didn't take it as any criticism of Oliver.
  8. Did your mother drop you on your head? Why can't you simply accept a positive statement for what it is?
  9. Actually, Shaw, what you wrote isn't "hopeless" at all. You should retitle this the "Hopeful Optimist".
  10. I think you may be onto something Shaw. Is it optimistic?...yes. Overly so? No. Your outlook is reasoned and measured. Count me in the cult as well.
  11. Actually...I don't believe Bran engineered anything. He knew or discerned what was going to happen, but said nothing, just letting things play out. It was Sam that told Jon of his lineage...not Bran. It was Jon that told his sisters, not Bran. (I believe he even said to Jon: "It's up to you," as they all stood near the weirwood tree.) In the end, I think everyone can agree that despite the ending, the final season was rushed and the writing went south.
  12. If they forbid him to throw the out on pain of death, he might have a chance.
  13. That scene wasn't so bad if you placed it in the context of the similar scene in season 2 (or was it 3) when Tywin Lannister was Hand of the king and the small council was gathering and there was that hilarious bit with the chairs and everyone jockeying for position...except Tyrion who noisily dragged a chair to sit as far away from his father as possible. In contrast these council members were all friends.
  14. And they end up with the electoral college.
  15. The best part was when Drogon melted the throne. Even the dragon knew that GD throne was nothing but trouble.
  16. Actually I would bet money Jon doesn't end up on the throne. He doesn't want it. He's going to end up north...rejoining Ghost. It can't be Dany. She's gone too far over the edge. Maybe no one will take it and all the kingdoms will have sovereignty.
  17. I'm not happy that this final season was rushed and that the character development and nuanced dialogue we have been used to have given way to huge battles and pyrotechnics this season. I never watched this series for the battles. I watched it for the overall story, the characters, the well-written dialogue and the plot twists. If folks were expecting a "happy ending" this season regarding certain characters they've grown to like, Dany apparently being one of them, hearken back to the first season when Ned Stark was suddenly separated from his head! We were genuinely shocked! Dany going nuts didn't shock me, more than disappoint me. (There were signs throughout the previous seasons she was capable of turning vengeful completely.) I somehow wished that the true battle for the throne would have been between she and Jon and how would they work that out in the final episode(s), without a lot of bloodshed. With Dany's actions, I suspect that she will have to be done away with...by someone who could get close enough to her to do the deed...likely Jon. I think we can likely predict Tyrion will be imprisoned for treason. I'm hoping he survives and does not meet the same fate as Varys. Folks are going to scatter and go their separate ways and someone will ascend to the throne, but allow regional rulers to have some sovereignty...which presupposes Dany's demise. Otherwise they're all toast...literally.
  18. The white horse was the horse Harry Strickland (seriously...that was his name)...the head of the mercenary army was riding when they stood in front of the gate facing Jon's army. When Dany blasted through the gate with her dragon, he was knocked off and then killed by Greyworm.
  19. That little girl was sitting with Varys in the crypt during the battle at Winterfell. Apparently she was one of Varys little birds. Varys was trying to poison Dany and the girl worked in the kitchen. That's why she was reporting to Varys that Dany wasn't eating. That's exactly what it was when Cersei destroyed all her enemies with wildfire.
  20. I agree with your thoughts on this...but actually eight...even a long eight, wasn't enough. That's why they ended up rushing the story. I wish they would have done a 10 episode season like they did in the other seasons. I think we would have felt more satisfied...irrespective of the final outcome. Last week Euron and his fleet and the scorpions matched up perfectly with Dany and her dragons. She was the one who looked inept riding into battle. This week, the opposite. Why? Well you needed last week's episode to push Dany over the edge. First she loses Jorah in the battle at Winterfell, then she loses Missandei to a cruel Cersei Lannister. Missandei's death pushed Greyworm over the edge as well. The only advisers she had left were Tyrion and Jon...who was more of a lover than an adviser. They both betrayed her trust. Tyrion was conflicted with the love he still had for his siblings and with the idea that they could end the last battle mercifully. Was Cersei merciful when she beheaded Missandei? No...Dany would reserve her mercy for the next generation. Jon with his true identity could no longer return the love that Dany felt for him. He did love her, but now there is a line he couldn't cross. He'll bend the knee but don't ask for anything more. So...if Dany couldn't have love...or mercy...fear and hate were the only paths she could see moving forward. My favorite scene was between Arya and the Hound. The Hound found love finally...as much as he could ever love anyone...and it was the love he felt for Arya. His love for her convinced her to let go of the hate she had been carrying since the first season. She learned and that expression of gratitude was beautifully done. I agree that the fight between Euron and Jaime was cartoonish...but they had to come up with an ending for Euron. Jaime died the way he wanted to...in the arms of the woman he loved. Many of us had presumed it would be on the battlefield with Brienne. Cersei was always his first love. Quite honestly...after all the cruelty Cersei had demonstrated throughout the seasons, she actually died to "mercifully," in the arms of her brother/lover with all her machinations causing the world she built to crash in around her. There was no cruel but just "surprise" that we had all envisioned. Next week's episode will be very interesting. The only thing that was set up this week is that Dany is nuts...Oh sh***t!
  21. I appreciate your explanation...and you are right...watching the Patriots work the system every year for 3rd round picks has really gotten to me. I think when they started letting teams trade the picks, it made it worse.
  22. Although I disagree with the original poster, I do wish they would let ALL free agent signees count against the compensatory picks formula. With only those signed prior to May 7 counting, it rewards and favors those teams who don't need a lot of high priced free agents with extra draft picks (some as high as the 3rd round) because they allow their free agents to walk, and then time the signing of replacements until after May 7, so they can sign the free agent and get the extra draft picks. Additionally, now that they can trade those compensatory picks, they can offload them in the current draft for a round higher the following year.
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