The Men in Green feasted on turnovers and the mistakes of the young bucks across the field for two and a half quarters. As the frenzied crowd cheered wildly and loudly, the young bucks suddenly arose and with steeled resolve mounted a challenge. Their young leader strode under center and stared the Men in Green down. Behind five horsemen, he and his brigade marched forward together with one goal. One resolve. To the surprise of the Men in Green and the crowd, soon they were within sight of the game's lead. The young leader turned to his defensemen and said, "Get me the ball one more time and we'll win this game." With grins on their faces, they nodded, "We will." Scant moments later, the young leader was once again on the field of battle. A dart here, a laser there, one after another he fired at will. One final shot and the crowd gasped in disbelief and fell silent. For the young bucks, victory was theirs. As they left the battlefield together, they grinned, confident that no matter the odds, no matter the battle, they would always have a chance at victory.