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Everything posted by jkeerie

  1. Did that a lot when he kicked for Penn State, especially his first year. That was after the whole Sandusky incident, and they could attract zero players. Fickens was a walk-on. He wasn't too bad by his senior year.
  2. Goes to show how good our pass rush was. Darnold had little time to look beyond 5 yards.
  3. Ancient history. Water under the bridge. I'm concerned with our current team, its management and its players.
  4. The Men in Green feasted on turnovers and the mistakes of the young bucks across the field for two and a half quarters. As the frenzied crowd cheered wildly and loudly, the young bucks suddenly arose and with steeled resolve mounted a challenge. Their young leader strode under center and stared the Men in Green down. Behind five horsemen, he and his brigade marched forward together with one goal. One resolve. To the surprise of the Men in Green and the crowd, soon they were within sight of the game's lead. The young leader turned to his defensemen and said, "Get me the ball one more time and we'll win this game." With grins on their faces, they nodded, "We will." Scant moments later, the young leader was once again on the field of battle. A dart here, a laser there, one after another he fired at will. One final shot and the crowd gasped in disbelief and fell silent. For the young bucks, victory was theirs. As they left the battlefield together, they grinned, confident that no matter the odds, no matter the battle, they would always have a chance at victory.
  5. This is the kind of football I love...two flawed teams, duking it out for 60 minutes. Effort. Drama. Fantastic finish! The robotic excellence and fortune of the Pat's, and the apparent inevitability of another Super Bowl appearance lingers, though, to ruin my bliss.
  6. Poetic justice!
  7. Why would you let anyone purposefully do that to you?????? So much could go wrong. Like with the first gal. Bet she was sore after that.
  8. Looked like something out of the WWF.
  9. Ain't that the truth! I used to like Collinsworth, but the dripping love for the Pats is beyond sickening.
  10. Makes you wonder if there isn't some sort of favoritism or bias going on.
  11. I felt the same way about him. Makes you wonder if the Bills, in their evaluations, saw that and didn't see him as a fit for the team...albeit they didn't have the opportunity to draft him anyway.
  12. Thank you. I forgot about Darryl Johnson. Must have been him since I think Taron was already out of the game by then.
  13. I thought I saw him in on one play late in the 4th. I know I saw a jersey with Johnson on it.
  14. Hey...I hate Darnold. I think he's going to be a good QB once he gels with Gase's offence. I really hope your defense stays aggressive and especially beats up Tom Brady this year.
  15. I wasn't correcting you for the sake of correcting you. I was just pointing out that Fred simply joined an "old" Bills show. Had you ever watched the previous one? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on old versus new.
  16. This isn't a new show. Just a new cast. It used to have Mike Catalano as the host with Ruben Brown as the player analyst. They replaced both with Maddy Glab and Fred Jackson respectively. After just one viewing, I liked it better with Catalano and Ruben, but we'll see if the new team gels.
  17. He didn't have to. As a scoring play it was automatically reviewed.
  18. I'm not sure why you quoted my post in making your comment. My post was about a PI call. It doesn't appear germane to your comment. BTW...I do agree with your sentiment regarding the media and their reluctance to give the Bills any credit for winning a game they could have easily lost.
  19. I'm wondering if Allen wasn't throwing to Knox(?)on that play, and because he was held, that's why Knox wasn't in position to make a play. That's why Allen was certain of the PI.
  20. It's coming down to a Bojo punt.
  21. Point taken, but easier to do when there's no pressure.
  22. Foles out already with shoulder injury.
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