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Everything posted by jcamm1966

  1. Can we wake up Hyde from his afternoon nap
  2. Offense is gonna have to do something today
  3. Hamlin gonna get abused next week
  4. do we ever win the toss on the road
  5. Looks like alot of Bills fans made the trip
  6. Germany saying take this back
  7. Don't worry Tracey moved up in the Draft
  8. Oh GMen
  9. They should refuse both QB's back on American soil
  10. A tie would be fitting
  11. Can't even get the kickoff right
  12. Gonna be a tough one today I fear
  13. Panthers coach looks 22 years old
  14. Gruden would put Jones though a wall at his camp OT would be a slap in the face to Germany
  15. Oh look a punt
  16. Gonna be very e·mo·tion·al /əˈmōSH(ə)nəl/ adjective relating to a person's emotions. "children with emotional difficulties" Similar: spiritual inner psychic psychological of the heart Opposite: material arousing or characterized by intense feeling. "an emotional speech" Similar: poignant moving touching affecting powerful stirring emotive heart-rending heartbreaking heartwarming soul-stirring uplifting impassioned dramatic harrowing tragic haunting pathetic sentimental oversentimental mawkish cloying sugary syrupy saccharine lachrymose tear-jerking soppy mushy schmaltzy weepy cutesy lovey-dovey gooey drippy cornball sappy hokey three-hanky sensitive delicate difficult problematic controversial contentious subjective Opposite: dry unfeeling emotionless (of a person) having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed. "he was a strongly emotional young man"
  17. Please no BIG injuries today
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