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Everything posted by jcamm1966

  1. Great win Oliver was a beast Ty was special Cooper took day off Knox is still amazing Cam Lewis wasting a roster spot Bishop jury is out
  2. The fake holding call on Allen to Kincade TD is a crime
  3. Bring Hyde back at least he's is position
  4. Y u pulling my mans weave
  5. End of Half or end game we are a comb bob u lated mess
  6. Well draft needs are Defense and A KICKER
  7. We lead the NFL in almost got the slowest QB'S in the league
  8. Good thing we have a defensive coach
  9. Guess Kc don't get hands too the face flags
  10. here comes the part when the Browns D gives up
  11. I use to use Tramozone helped me now don't need it
  12. I see KC trying to flip the switch but the breaker is off
  13. KC is the worst 12 and 1 team ever
  14. All I see is a bunch of bad football so far Stiff arm of the year
  15. How does Daboil survive after this the D has missed 13 tackles on one drive
  16. Lamar will be back in MVP talk after shredding Giants
  17. Jamies pick into doulbe coverage
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