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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Road house is my all time Cheesy Fav. When it’s on I’m obligated to watch, and notify a few friends it’s on too via all those corny lines.
  2. Thank you for laying out a solid strategy to get us over this “hump” and for your thoughts on the draft and future offensive play calling. Your plan for upgrading the O and D lines were well thought out and concise Of particular note was your diet and exercise regimen for Allen and how properly used will increase his completion percentage. thank you for the education 🤔
  3. Cue long snapper joke in 3..2..1
  4. I’m way too lazy to review the whole chain, but is there a chance to have a few live feeds for those of us too far away to join? I have zero clue of the technology needed or if anyone in the ground wants to deal with it just a thought
  5. Can I only dream this screws the franchise for the next decade.
  6. I thought the title was LOL Depth. Figured it’s a McD defensive pick in round one thing etc. Sorry I have nothing to add since I read it again other than I’m an idiot 😂. My snarky quips have no place here….and I’m a few martinis deep so there’s that
  7. I believe we can all accept he is a POS. I mean look at his history. he married a person just like him but the math in these scenarios is always skewed. POS+POS= -POS. He is trash and if not for the NFL would be selling smack in nyc
  8. But can he drop balls like Gabe, that’s what I want to know Just adds to the in-game excitement!
  9. He needed the full sentence and to have the worst prison experience possible. He is scum and daddy’s money will buy his freedom. Meanwhile that poor girl and her family get to live in hell for decades. when karma comes a knockin I hope it’s a mother effer for him.
  10. Fuc&$ng scum should have been executed And how long until he has another? And maybe kills a few people along the way. I hope not but this stinks to high heaven
  11. Who cares about any of this. If the scum eliminates the scum that is a net positive I believe. All of this crap is a scourge on society as a whole.
  12. I believe the weight of her own ginormous a$$ caused her leg to break spontaneously
  13. He’s been a non factor for two years for obvious reasons. It’s not like he’s going to be faster, stronger, or smarter when he returns. it’s a business move on. Didn’t end as planned but winning and creating the best roster is all that matters. With this in mind it’s up to the coaches and team leaders to build the culture. players come and go for various reasons and not all endings are happy sorry Tre, really liked you and the vibe you added but luck is a fickle B word and she bit you hard. I’ll root for you on your next team as long as it ain’t against my Bills
  14. Eff Kansas City , Eff Kelce, Eff Swift and her swifties, and a double Eff to their rat faced leader go 49ers and I hope Mr Irrelevant has a legendary game.
  15. Silly question but is there a bubblegum football card for every starting QB for the Bills. Or any team ? If so who has such a collection im not into that type of thing but a full deck would be kind of cool.
  16. Maybe I’m in the minority but I like Baker. He had just enough attitude with self deprecating smack he was interesting. Is a better than average QB and got screwed by the Pervy Browns
  17. this would be a terrific hire for the Cowboys. Im all for anything that would screw them up for another season or two!
  18. Parents installed a full tankless on demand system and have had no issues with it-ever. water is always hot within seconds and it never runs out. Key is a good water sources and maintenance for buildup on the coils etc I believe.
  19. What the problem is that if she scr$Ed him then killed him she would only get 15-20 years then probation, but do him a bunch of times and it’s life. In some states I believe it’s his age is even legal, and if his family consented she could marry him at 13 and have her way with him legally the system is just so broken
  20. Anything with a young Shannon Tweed
  21. Diggs is trying to set his market. Can’t blame him but it doesn’t help the team that is paying his overblown salary. In my book seeeeee Ya. Too old and not performing to have this crap attitude last year plus. They lost several games trying to appease his ego and it put us behind. time to go.
  22. Obviously has a serious issue but three times should be serious jail sentence. Next time could easily kill someone or many someone’s his sons celebrity should have zero to do with this case. serious issues in the Mahomes family tree it appears. Pat M seems to be the only one somewhat normal besides his choice of a spouse
  23. How can an Offensive coordinator be fired when he’s offensive on so many levels
  24. I hope for a gagillion dollars and they are in cap hell for the next decade.
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