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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Did he try to throw over 5 yards on 3rd and long?
  2. Exactly what I’m saying. Best for him to be off the team so he can deal with his issues. It protects the team and gives him space.
  3. It may have as much to do with all of the other factors as much as the facts or lack thereof. Best for the team. And if it’s proven he is innocent then he can rebuild and move on. It’s not exactly like he was just a stranger caught up in something based on the initial evidence. He was in the situation to a degree.
  4. No unless they actually say something directly and knowingly false. As an employer they can just release him. Doesn’t mean they don’t pay him portions of his contract but all depending.
  5. Big words hurt my head. Please stop and reduce to 7th grade and under
  6. Was just throwing a little twist in there. I mean the commissioner would never allow a Mule to play football-he couldn’t wear the approved helmet! However a dead guy could work. But thinking of it the Commish does allow Jackasses on the field all the time so not a stretch! From the movie poster and the context was a pretty easy guess about the movie 😂. Like the write up about it-read it in that movie guy voice
  7. I agree everyone is guilty until proven otherwise it seems and maybe as more facts come out things change. However I keep reading “he’s just a punter so cut him to remove the distraction”. I question how many would be saying the same thing at this point if it was WR#1. I was one to crucify Watson and still am based on the mountain of evidence and volume of plaintiffs etc. I struggle a bit here because I don’t fully see it as painted right now.
  8. That’s what’s so difficult because if it was a different position would it be harder to just cut him-which is a moral dilemma which is what I saw on McD face last night. And none of us know how much the Bills knew or know now. And the more they say the more liable they end up later on too.
  9. Are you suggesting we dig up dead Don Knots and have him play punter a la weekend at Bernie’s? Love the plan!
  10. Maybe I am naive, but how does one go about setting up a gang rape? Do you just call a couple guys-people you have obviously discussed coordinating a gang rape with at some point I. The future- and say “hey I’ve got this girl let’s gang rape her tonight” and you meet someplace pre determined. That seems just so out there but yet I really can’t think of what else “setting up” would mean. If this is the case then execute all three because they are total psychopaths premeditating such violence. Someone earlier said punter was responsible for where he dropped her off. How and why? If he had dropped her off at her own home and subsequently this happened by strangers to him he isn’t responsible. So it leads back to him having fully and preplanned and executed his plan of gang rape. quite the well thought out statement by lawyer i am not making light of anything I’m trying to wrap my head around this. If someone called me and asked if I was up for gang raping someone sometime I’d call the police right after I beat the stuffing out of the scumbag.
  11. Because the issue happened prior to him joining the league I believe the commissioner has not jurisdiction so to speak. The Bills however do as his employer.
  12. But per your post if it was a star QB it would be?
  13. So if he was a star QB your opinion is different? Isn’t that so Clevelandesque? Under the assumption the Bills have done all their legal homework, which we have no reason to believe they didn’t he should be suspended barring the outcome of some legal determination. If this was our star QB I’d feel the same way. Where this differs from me is that there are not 24 accusers who were all stone cold sober making the same complaint over a period of time, plus all the hearsay along with it. NOT to diminish this young lady’s claims at all as they are truly horrific. But the two cases are drastically different
  14. Absolutely need to pull him from the team until resolved no matter how bad it hurts. The look and the accusations are too bad. and if this is true justice needs to be done to the fullest extent. and if it’s proved he’s Innocent that’s terrific for all.
  15. I think I want to see them 2-2 by then beating Ravens and Pats. It could help to keep them in Mediocre QB hell for another several seasons. Same with Pats if they split with Fins. and beating the Ravens because I hate them.
  16. I’m assuming this amazing race is between Golden Corrals all you can eat buffets in the Deep South. Nothin better than watching ole Rex and his mountainous brother stuffing chicken fried steak down their gullets trying to run to the next buffet with the camera filming their swamp a$$ as they head to a heart attack. Makes for good TV
  17. Wouldn’t be surprised as he and JA are friendly and uses the same trainer in the off-season so believe.
  18. Agreed logic has no place here. Shame on the OP for the attempt😂 With that said I liked what saw with Blackshear and would like him on the PS. Could see him moving to the 53 if we get the injury bug at RB, and maybe breaking out. And yeah it’s a good story too
  19. Maybe I’m misnunderstanding your post. The average Joe would probably be in jail or out on bond waiting for trial, have lost their job because of it and have little prospects. Would also end up with a felony record and Sexual Offender Registration for life. DW ends up not being able to play a GAME for 11 weeks of which he loses virtually no money, then proceeds to go on and earn hundreds of millions. So he pays a fine, which is less than 2% of his earnings. The fact that the whole world knows he’s scum and a predator is due to his fame-so here’s a simple solution-don’t be a scum bag and predator and the world won’t think you are one!
  20. I like your style OMG this made my weekend.
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