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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. My 12 year old nephew threw that out to the waitress a few weeks ago when he ordered a cup of Joe. Killed the room
  2. A month in the hole for ya!
  3. What a solid signing and adds another element for. Mcdermitt to use. I’m getting more and more stoked to see a nasty aggressive Defense feom our Bills
  4. How’d you like to meet that riding your paddle board? As I always thought. Everyone hates Dallas As it should be
  5. Thank goodness you’re OK. Self care is greatly underrated with men. It doesn’t hit home usually unless something happens. About a year ago one day I woke up and couldn’t pee. Like it took a half hour for a dribble. Took me two friggin days to tell my wife-and I’m in Healthcare for Christ sakes. Was a basic prostate infection but scared the crap out of me Thanks for posting it’s highly important!
  6. It’s on ESPN 8, The Ocho right after the dodgeball championships
  7. I miss Pong…
  8. Amen! I’ll give up the occasional big play anyday and have more sacks and disruption. Plus the chances of the big play are so much less than the 6 yards per easy play and March down the field. New England had the league so worried about the huge okay they willingly gave Brady and Co 4-6 yards per play. I never understood it, especially when everyone knew the best way to beat NE was to hit Brady.
  9. Agreed. I think it’s hard to maintain a killer instinct when you’re being asked to not play “offensive “ Defensive football and instead bend more attack less
  10. I believe it’s going to be a 180 turn and we get nasty on D. Let’s hope
  11. He was supposed to have hit the Ed Oliver thread but missed and hit this one instead. He’s now chasing down the Oliver thread
  12. Players not producing in a Frazier defense doesn’t mean they can’t produce. I would blame scheme first then player second. I have to believe McBeane sees things we don’t for this $.
  13. I’m intrigued. Tell me more…😁
  14. Living near Boston I have many “transplant” friends from all over. Most have lived here for 20+ years. It’s the same story from almost all of them-being surrounded by such a good sports city in general you start to get into the local teams because it’s ”what” is being discussed and you slowly assimilate. They still cheer on their former teams but are now Boston sports fans-from really serious to casual. im sure if they had moved to Dallas or NYC they’d be in the same position but probably not if they moved to Montana or Idaho. I also think Bills fans are a different kind of Diehard than most teams so our definition is a bit skewed😁
  15. He should be jailed for assault. And with any luck his bunk mate makes a new friend of him. Maybe he will learn to be less of a disgusting waste of humanity, and get a real experience of what unwanted touching is like. and it should be closer to $200k not 20
  16. So there must be 4 cameras then😁
  17. My buddy had one in college with the porthole window and bed/ kitchenette etc. even a light mounted outside to turn on when it was “occupado”. So much classier than a sock on the doorknob.
  18. Post of the week! I’m dying laughing at that
  19. Good lord I can imagine the shag carpet and foldout bed had to be in there along with a bitchin’ 8 track Hifi system. it’s actually kinda awesome
  20. Happy belated! and at 39 your still a young-un Go Bills!
  21. Not even close to peak off-season. once we start the Antonio Brown is in Buffalo threads after his debut as receiver on his own team THATS peak-get-er done Beane season! 🤣
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