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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. You missed my point entirely. Irrespective of the size of the business they are just entertainers. They aren’t curing cancer, solving world hunger or ending world wars they play a game for the spectators amusement and nothing more. The fact it’s a billions dollar business doesn’t negate what they (the whole industry) is
  2. I’m all for free markets and agree that there are just too many excellent RB which devalues the position overall. A few elite ones will always get deals well above but those are about individual teams needs at that point in time. the reality is that all NFL players are already overpaid. As are the owners/coaches etc. it’s entertainment and basically that’s it, huge business entertainment but entertainment nonetheless. Players complaining about their “worth” always make me laugh when they want Millions more per year.
  3. I think you’re wrong. If he has another crap season Kraft will have to move on. It may not officially be a “firing” for public consumption but he won’t be in NE. Pats fans are starting to revolt and after the the Bruins and Celtics meltdowns they won’t take failure well.
  4. And I don’t see the difference between 6 and 10 that great either
  5. This is the weakest comment I have ever heard. Exactly why the works is going to hell.
  6. I do, based on the obvious evidence. Scumbags should get exactly what they deserve. If the victims were your family you’d feel different-GURANTEED Im interested. Do you give Hitler the same pass? How about the numerous warlords in Africa, killing thousands. What about Bin Ladin? you judge-I guarantee it or else you’ll give an excuse for the horrible people I just mentioned.
  7. It’s a great workout and lots of fun. They have different boards for different applications. Even a fishing board with mounts etc you can surf with many of them too. Not as agile as a real board but fun. I like it better than the kayak for most water activities. we took lessons ages ago at LL Bean and learned alot. I prefer the hard board to the inflatables. They just perform better
  8. OJ gave no quarter to his “alleged” victims and has proven he has no thought regarding human rights of others. In my book he deserves no quarter and I can wish him to rot if I want to. I’m sure when he’s dead you’ll be one of the “it was all CTE that caused him to act like he did” crowd. You probably think the Boston Marathon Bomber deserves respect and sympathy too and we should put up a memorial for his dead scum bag brother-you know because they were just misunderstood and they have rights. (And the answer is no they really don’t)
  9. So the Pegulas bought John’s Hopkins University? Did I hear that right? Wow and now free tuition for Bills fans. Sweet
  10. I thought by league rule he must automatically go to Browns.
  11. I agree but there appears to be a large group that feels anything short of a great regular season AND a SB win is failure. Winning the SB isn’t enough and proves McD should go-even after a SB win.
  12. I never said attention and views was money. But he certainly is trying to Monetize it. That’s the point.
  13. It’s about attention and relevance. He is monetizing it somehow, for now or the future.
  14. Hahah. Too much apparently 😂 And Twitter isn’t all about getting attention and views?
  15. That’s a good point. My personal opinion is he will be gone in your scenario. For those that think Pegula doesn’t have the balls to fire him I say you don’t become a billionaire by being a nice guy all the time. Winning is winning-boardroom or on the field and you need the right team What I think “happened” was that McD wanted Frazier out last year and was overruled. This year he got his way but was told you’re handling the D and this is your chance to prove yourself correct. if this year isn’t successful( by however Pegula measures it) McD is gone
  16. So if the season is a little rough-we sneak in as a wild card but we win the SB is McD still toast? will the fire him now crowd still want him gone because we didn’t go 14-3 to win the SB?
  17. Well maybe he didnt but he actually did. It’s the equivalent of saying “Josh has a good personality”. The whole world knows what that means. The whole thing is so stupid I dont even know why I’m posted other than I’m a six pack deep and in a mood. Where’s a table to jump on😂
  18. Relevance in the age of internet propaganda. This gets clicks for controversy. Nothing more than “viagra for 1/4 the price. Call with your credit card, bank info and SS #”. F$ck Beasley
  19. NY press won’t be nearly as forgiving as “The Cheesehead Times”. The minute he clunks they will eat him alive.
  20. I agree. I don’t think he makes it through the season. Also what happens when he starts throwing people under the bus if they do start 3-5? Let the games begin in Jersey
  21. Mahomes brother also loves to hold his ball and hand it off forward apparently
  22. Oh yeah. He’s heard lots of them just didn’t know he was paying attention
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