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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Patriots fans realizing Mac Jones is the only QB on the roster
  2. He tripped over a rubber mat..oh wait that was a different Bills QB.
  3. Prepping for the season to make sure he’s all set
  4. Sorry for slacking! Ty-Rud needs to return. We need more QBs who can get 2 yards in 3rd and long consistently! Consistency is the key to success and boy will his stats Look great. We can then trade him for a conditional 7th in 2025.
  5. All Romo all the time that’s what I say😑
  6. OMG I have been laughing at this for 15 minutes even though I’m quite sure there may not be enough confession to counteract it! The lawn guy-classic
  7. Yes but when teams aren’t worried about it in general it artificially makes the stats look better. If defenses had focused on the run at the GL I highly doubt our run game would be better. I believe balance in our offense will open up both Allen and the run game significantly at the GL. This year we have the horses to do that.
  8. “You usually have to pay double for that kind of action, Cottton”.
  9. I would think the Giants wouldn’t have wanted Dallas to get him. Wonder if they somehow assisted Beane with the Tampa deal.
  10. It’s not sad to forget about him-he’s a killer. What he did wasn’t some stupid mistake, it was purely criminal. The only sad part is what the victim went through and what her family will continue to go through. If he only does 3 of the 10, he’s still very young. What are the chances he tries to come back to the NFL? Can they actually ban him if he’s done his time? I would think there are felons currently playing but I could be wrong. And what team would even consider him? as you mentioned his prospects will be very limited when he’s out.
  11. Willie McGinest and his sense of vengeance has to be there somewhere
  12. Great. Even worse! Should come with a warning
  13. Well I’ve had a few really fun nights in Pittsburgh courtesy of Iron City beer. Buddys wife back in the day paid her way through college as a “shot girl” at a country bar in Pitt. Both are huge Pittsburg fans so I give Steelers a pass for the great memories. of course remembering back to how sick that crap swill left me they should be added to the list.
  14. Great. Read this title now all I hear is that damn song on my head.
  15. The other teams offense I assume your referring to
  16. I agree that the contract was a massive mistake. I hope he proves just how horrible it was too and that they never make another playoff game in franchise history. If you aren’t the Bills and you’re in the AFC I want to see you fail. If your the Ravens, Miami, KC, NE, Cincinnati, Browns it’s a whole different level of Dislike!
  17. A pretty solid 3 but ever so slowly creeping towards a 1 more and more. however most of my posts are sarcasm and observational reviews and “team building” compared to team execution. I’m not that great with the X/O compared to many here and of course always in it for the fashion. (Sarcasm..)
  18. Rodgers is still all about Rodgers. Once it’s starts to fall apart-which it will because the public hears about it well after the team is feeling it- Rodgers will be throwing people under the bus-bitching about the money he gave up, and complaining about lack of weapons etc. he is EGO on steroids and it’s never his fault. He will be the problem certainly he will flash at times but his attitude and self centered attitude will not fly with Saleh for long. he can’t stay in any relationship for long football, family, or women without drama and issues. Why will the Effing Jets be different. I can’t wait for the implosion.
  19. Agree. When they win 9 games this season BB will be gone. Full stop. Retirement or “retirement “ he gone I’d love a great media frenzy “Your Fired and suck without Brady” episode but 6 rings won’t end like that. That’s what winning gets you not an unlimited get out of jail free card. Too much $$$$ at stake And truly BB isn’t BB without Brady. No dynasty no rings.
  20. Yeah but it’s still a huge controversy. So many have the same thought “ BB will quit when he’s ready”. firing BB will be a big deal. It will also sell tickets. If they don’t make the playoffs this year which is a realistic probability then that’s honestly the best move for thicket sales.
  21. Exactly! This is a business and Kraft will run it like one. If he ain’t winning he’s losing $$. Is he supposed to let BB coach into his 90s with dementia just because of the rings? Hell no. So what’s the difference between booting him now or in 3-5 years say if they still are playoff winless? And I’d love to see Billy Boy get canned in the most epic of fashions and watch it divide Patriots nation in half
  22. But the Apple signing changes everything….hahahahahahaha.
  23. I completely disagree. He absolutely is and Patriot fans are very frustrated with him. Many are moving on from the Pats and placing them third on their sports priority list. it’s a BB problem and Kraft wont accept a major decline in revenues and profits from losing. if they don’t go deep this season Bellicheat will “retire”.
  24. F$&k Miami. That is all Go Bills!
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