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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Was never a huge fan of his. Seemed overhyped for a slightly better than average QB. He seemed like an ok guy though until last 4-5 years when he started believing his own propaganda machine. I just don’t see his career getting better this year under SP. he will probably be put in better positions to succeed but his physical talents have diminished so much it may not make much difference.
  2. Boooooo! But a good laugh
  3. So mexicans for dinner I assume? KInda soft balled that one to us all Simon😆
  4. But more captains maximizes our ability to win a coin toss. It’s true , I does the Maths 🥴
  5. Had a friend that cleaned up this stuff in Chicago during a few summers in college. Money was stupid good in the day. After a few weeks along puking at everything, he says by the end of the summer he was eating a sandwich sweeping up brains. guess you can get used to about most anything after a while Had a friend that cleaned up this stuff in Chicago during a few summers in college. Money was stupid good in the day. After a few weeks along puking at everything, he says by the end of the summer he was eating a sandwich sweeping up brains. guess you can get used to about most anything after a while Had a friend that cleaned up this stuff in Chicago during a few summers in college. Money was stupid good in the day. After a few weeks along puking at everything, he says by the end of the summer he was eating a sandwich sweeping up brains. guess you can get used to about most anything after a while
  6. That’s not how I spell begging
  7. Perfect! Many more I believe
  8. Your assumption here includes intelligence, integrity, and morals which is why it won’t ever make sense. We are after ll taking about trash at the most fundamental level.
  9. Bit early for a beer isn’t it Norm?
  10. It is good when you give the receivers 30 yard cushions. We should have been 0/14
  11. Josh takes the snap. Fakes a handoff to cook then rolls across the field to his left. Across body throw 50 yards to Diggs who scores against sauce. jets deflated and Rogers starts losing his Sh$t when gets picked early in second quarter. He blasts his team in the media following the 34-10 loss and season goes downhill from there. Rogers retires to the dark chamber tripping on shrooms never to be heard from again.
  12. If there is any justice Watson is out before a few years. He’s disgusting and everything the league shouldn’t be
  13. I agree he’s human excrement for sure. And that organization needs to suffer for even entertaining the idea of hiring him much less actually doing it.
  14. But then he gets paid. I hope he just plain stinks up the joint and ends up as a backup having to watch the action weekly. It then forces the POS Browns into completely ruining their franchise trying to find another QB forcing cycle after cycle of retreads.
  15. Just how pissed would you be if the artist through a #9 on that instead of 17. “But you said you wanted Allen!”
  16. I was referring more to his unwavering use of the nickel defense in every and all situations.
  17. Heard he was telling everyone he’d bet them a Nickel the Bills would win.
  18. And thinking about it will definitely not be helpful for sleeping tonight
  19. Meniscus. Get the surgery and your right as rain in 3 weeks. No rehab needed and nothing stronger than Tylenol for pain. I used Johnie walker black but each to their own.
  20. I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit
  21. If they believe that’s 28b per year you damn well think the owners are believing they are getting shorted their % or 800m per team. im crying for their loss
  22. Guess that Michael Vick meeting recently hit home
  23. Wow still holdin onto that. Must have been pisser of a loss😂
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