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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. I have not been but Uncle Joes Tavern was mentioned to me by some folks in Cortland when I was down there.
  2. “Baseball, cold showers, baseball, cold showers. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!”
  3. Newbie. You won’t earn you “Bills fandom card” until you go through 30 years of heartache. It’s in the bylaws look it up😂 After week one, and two hours of my ranting and statements of “I’ll never watch this GD team again” , my calmly asked where are we going next week to watch the game? I told her time and place immediately. such is commuted fandom
  4. I think it’s well known Hill is an absolute a$$hat and a POS of a human. If not for his physical gifts we can all make up stories about what his life would be. I tend to think that it’s not all environment that makes these people douchewads but how they are to begin and the skill and coddling that finishes it off. I always find myself rooting for them to blow plays or dare I say “get blown up”. Honestly he will destroy Miami which is fine-they signed up for it. But attitudes like his are infectious to others such as Waddle etc- whom maybe weren’t as “diuchey” as he is to begin with. either way F the Dolphins-and sorry Tua your straddled in that environment
  5. Unless you’re Aaron Rogers then you’re good for the playoffs…such a tool. Feel for Tre was so happy to see him round back to form.
  6. Totally agree. He is such an a&$hat. If he’s not ballwashing PM he’s have wet dreams of a threesome with Swift and Kelce and he’s catching. total tool
  7. Had to listen to the broadcast as I was traveling. Can’t wait to watch it and just flat out enjoy it.
  8. I e been critical too and agree with your thoughts. He nailed it today and in a big way.
  9. I expect Miami to get three or four big runs on us and some fairly big passing yards Can’t totally shut them down but what I also expect is that many result in FG vrs TD. This will be our advantage Allen and company hit home a lot and Kincaid and Knox play a much bigger role. Cook breaks over 150 yards. our D gets to Tua way more than expected forcing bad decisions. Bills come roaring back after a 10 point deficit as Dorsey finds his groove. 34 to 24.
  10. As long as they are winning. Start losing and they will start watching Polo or some other sh$t
  11. I just don’t find her pretty. Throw that outfit on most any perfume girl at Macy’s and they’d probably be hotter.
  12. F F F F F F F F F F F F F F!!!!!
  13. Worth the read to see this ad again. Thanks and I heard there’s cake somewhere??
  14. Point taken. Was it Gailey that kept using that phrase Get him in Space or Hackett. I recall it being said at everything press meeting in those days.
  15. Well Nate Hackett wanted to run him till he Puked, so there’s at least one guy
  16. I’m just not seeing Love as the next Rogers. No matter how much the talking heads talk, I just don’t see it. what am I missing?
  17. I want to see Tua get picked off early in the game and then try to continually make up for it and relive last week. Ending the day with four pics and a lost fumble. 31-17 Bills
  18. My hope is that Dorsey has been only opening the playbook as much as needed last few weeks. He is holding back plays and schemes to use during this game based on how it’s going. I expect much more Kincaid and Knox as well as seeing Cook close to 150 yards. Gamesmanship at play here is my thought. Miami will the difference in home field or not for us potentially.
  19. Great award for this young guy. So glad he was recognized
  20. Saying to your fan base “we just went out and grabbed a pro bowl talent at MLB” goes along way in calming the masses. Now many may be saying he isn’t that great but the casual fans will see Pro Bowl and wet themselves.
  21. I don’t sniff and tell
  22. In japan they pay big Money for dolphins to fart on them.
  23. Haha. I find absolutely nothing attractive about her other than her bank account and business sense. she’s a solid 6 at best.
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