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  1. When the announcers have to point out that multiple teammates had to come over to “comfort “ him, that states slot to me. Ok to be emotional for a moment but then you need to get back to work by rallying the troops. sitting on the bench with a towel over your head while someone pats you on the back is a bad look
  2. Wife and I were saying the same thing. As the leader you can’t be on the sidelines crying. It’s not a broken neck or back. It sucks but man it’s a violent game.
  3. Is it me or does CJ Stroud look incredibly average.
  4. I still have a real dislike of the Phins. The whole team from their weenie coach and Tyreek to their horrid colours The Pats and KC are close behind.
  5. Cousins is really good at getting contracts signed and making bank. That’s his true talent
  6. Agreed. Will have a few good plays time to time.
  7. Diggs made his bed. An expensive bed paid for by the Bills, but his value dropped tremendously for the rest of his career after this injury and year.
  8. Why the picture of a high school girl in shoulder pads?
  9. Shouldn’t you ask the Dingus Day crowd. Sure you’d get a better answer
  10. Giants let him goto Cleveland out of spite because he was being an ass. bad mouthed Cleveland and left etc. team after team. he was never a real direct distraction per se like AB but his ego caused issues. His “celebrity “ was bigger than his ability which caused problems. Add injuries and $$$ discussions and was a distraction. if he never had that one handed catch he would be a solid #2 and probably would still be productive if he could remain humble. Some guys love the hype even though it’s Smoke
  11. OBJ one of the all time great-ly overrated players around. Add Clowney as an equally overrated guy both had talent, but a few good plays and tons of hype had them living large and gettin rich for too many years
  12. Isn’t she from an off the wall Would ya post. And Ego. Don’t forget that
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