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Epstein's Mother

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Everything posted by Epstein's Mother

  1. He was most famous in Detroit for a postgame handshake (or non-handshake). Good D coordinator but head coach; no thanks.
  2. I'm tired of reading these stats. The Bills lost to the Saints and Chargers back to back by 67 points (+ 10 in the other 14 games). Haven't we all heard that good teams find a way to win close games and bad teams find a way to lose them?
  3. I'm hoping for something positive to come out of this season. It's all about 2019 for me.
  4. You should try to ride the bus more too.
  5. Not on the list but I'm gonna say Kelvin Benjamin.
  6. You are right. I should have acknowledged in my post that protest in the workplace is not covered.
  7. It really doesn't bother me that there are players that would prefer to kneel during the national anthem to bring attention to social injustices. This type of activity is considered free speech and is protected under the 1st amendment to the constitution just as is almost all speech good and bad (with the notable exception of calls to violence). What is not protected by the first amendment is people's reaction to this type of activity. Like all of us on this board I have to consider the response to everything I post. If I am willing to post something then I have to be willing to accept the praise and potentially the condemnation of my fellow posters. The benefit of anonymity may raise the pain threshold for some on this board but I try to take some care in what I present. If you are willing to kneel for the anthem then you have to be willing to accept everything that goes with it both good and bad. If you are surprised by negative feedback then you have not properly weighed the potential outcomes of any protest. No protest receives universal support.
  8. You may be right on this one but there may be an element of organized chaos with more than 1 person in your ear on the headset plus action on the sideline. I think there are plenty of instances in games where there is ample time to make the right (or wrong) decision but there are also many real time decisions that have to be made. I'm hoping that McDermott becomes one of those great game-day coaches because we've seen too many here that always found a way to be bad on Sundays.
  9. Just as young QB's refer to how fast the pro game is versus college I tend to think that the game may appear to be moving very fast to a rookie head coach. I think over time the game will "slow down" for McDermott and his real-time decision making will improve.
  10. They were even better in the '80's when you had to mail in your posts.
  11. Just when I thought this thread had scabbed over we're back picking at it.
  12. Yeah. I always like to think of Leodis as pre-d*ck or post-d*ck.
  13. This is a great point. I own my own business and I'm always ready to listen to my employees when they have concerns about the workplace. However, if I had an employee do something in front of the customer that they found distasteful to the point that they no longer wanted to do business with me (as some fans of the NFL have chosen to do) then that's a problem.
  14. I think it may be that fans are looking for some parallel between Peterman and Brady. A QB who was somewhat well regarded as a passer and a gamer but was passed over until the later rounds of the draft. Basically hoping to strike gold in the 5th round.
  15. This poll shows how schizophrenic Bills fans are regarding this game. 80% of the respondents say that the last play of the game was a forward lateral meaning the Bills should have won. So, 80% of you think Rob Johnson played well enough to win the game. But when asked who should have started 80% say Flutie? You're basically saying sure, Johnson got Buffalo to the last play of the game and the refs blew it for them but I'm willing to re-write the entire game with Flutie as QB in hopes of a better outcome.
  16. Manziel was quoted as saying "After great deliberation I have decided to take my talents to Hamilton".
  17. I don't know how I could draw any conclusions after watching this video. I'll let you know what I think after I see the "all 22".
  18. You forgot - OJ finds the real killer.
  19. I agree with this 100%. I couldn't understand why anyone would think this would be an incomplete pass. As I said to a friend who thought it was incomplete; "Hold a football in a passing position above your shoulder like Matt Ryan had it. Now take your thumb off the ball like he had it. Do you have control of the football? No, the football is on the ground."
  20. I think you missed the point of my post and possibly many others in this thread. I'm not saying that I don't want the Bills or other teams not to have cheerleaders; I'm saying I don't care if they do or don't. That's a choice to be made by each franchise. I've been watching the Bills at the stadium and on TV since the middle 1970's so I'm probably as old or older than you and I can honestly say the lack of cheerleaders at the games has not effected my enjoyment of the games in the least. I get that you want the cheerleaders to come back but it's not gonna happen.
  21. OK then, it sounds like you're saying with Flutie the Bills win the Super Bowl that year. I love "what if".
  22. I think having cheerleaders is just a left over from a bygone era. I think the justification for a lot of teams having them would sound something like; "because we always have had them".
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