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Epstein's Mother

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Everything posted by Epstein's Mother

  1. Rosen-not-chosen? He was pretty chirpy.
  2. The 3rd preseason game is the only thing that looks remotely like regular season football. August 27th can't come fast enough so I can read your Bengals, Bills breakdown.
  3. Cam: You're a d*ck. KB: No, you're a d*ck. And so on ... you get the idea.
  4. bet·ter1 ˈbedər/ adjective 1. of a more excellent or effective type or quality. "hoping for better weather" synonyms: superior, finer, of higher quality;
  5. You clearly have not seen his punt, pass and kick footage.
  6. Dude, we're just sayin' you don't need to wear your helmet when you're holding the clipboard.
  7. Sorry that I misunderstood your post. Thank you for your kind response.
  8. Lol does not belong at the end of that sentence.
  9. I wholeheartedly agree. Marriage is exceptionally easy ... with the right person.
  10. Stories like this make my life look pretty simple and boring.
  11. Somewhere Marcia Clark is reading this and kicking herself.
  12. It's on the internet so it must be true.
  13. He should be able to be heard and seen. When you average 8.8 yards per catch you're never too far from the QB.
  14. It is more than confidence. It also shows a great deal of imagination.
  15. The Bills have been consistently hard against the cap over the last few years while not paying franchise QB money. That's not good cap management. I believe Beane has done a fantastic job of fixing the past cap problems while positioning the Bills to be a playoff contender for a long time.
  16. You forgot to ask the most important question. What number would you wear?
  17. I have to say at least this feels like there is a plan in place. Whether or not it pans out we'll have to wait and see. I always felt like Whaley was just flailing around trying to hit on something without any regard for the long game. Of course that could be a product of the win today or else mentality in today's NFL.
  18. I'm not sure the NFL would create a league that would allow kids to bypass college. But Vince McMahon would.
  19. Somebody help me out. What was that stupid nickname he referred to himself as? Oh yeah "the chosen one".
  20. I'm glad I could give some of you old guys (myself included) a trip down memory lane.
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