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Everything posted by 2ForMacAdoo

  1. Yep, Whole Paycheck
  2. Jalen Ramsey, who'll be shuffling off to Buffalo next Sunday, says the same.
  3. That's awesome; I will definitely look for the book and undoubtedly wax nostalgic while reading it. Incidentally, that brings back another memory. I recall my high school English teacher having a coffee mug with the inscription "Some of us are talking proudLY!" I guess you would expect an English instructor to be part of the grammar police!
  4. I'm with you, my friend. I was at the game at then Rich Stadium with my dad in 1980 that broke the drought against the fins. What was remarkable about it was we all stayed in our seats for about 20 minutes after the game, just in a state of shock, joy and disbelief. The 20 game losing streak was over. They tore down the field goal posts as if we had won the Super Bowl.
  5. Mark Cuban would be all IN!
  6. Having had that amazing second half of his UDFA rookie season, Robert Foster might have some trade value for a team looking for a high ceiling WR who showed great potential only to experience a sophomore slump.
  7. Among premier NFL safeties, soon to be eclipsed by Jamal Adams' new contract when the Seahawks extend him.
  8. I know he is incredibly raw not having played a single NFL regular season game, but based on the sneak preview we got last preseason, Christian Wade could be that homerun hitter.
  9. Hahahahaha! That was indeed rock bottom. Loved the "socially distanced" crowd reference, Jesseffer!
  10. Cowboys were always the team I most despised. The whole "America's team" slogan revolted me. When Jerruh came along, the intensity of that contempt only multiplied. And then something happened called the Cheatriots. Ever since the rise of the hoodie, the 'Boys have fallen to a distant #2 on my hate list.
  11. Agreed on Josh. May also be too early to say on Tremaine and Oliver. For Josh and those two guys, I'm going on raw talent and potential ceiling. Milano, while a nice find in the 5th round, just isn't in the same category.
  12. Sweet Jesus, if this is even close to what he's looking for, for the love of God let him walk. You can only pay a limited number of guys elite money and for me those guys are: 1) Tre'Day, 2) Tremaine and probably 3)Ed Oliver on D; 4) Josh, 5) Dion and 6) Ya DIgg on Offense. If you give an undersized LB $15 million per, I guarantee you one of the above mentioned 6 players cannot be re-signed.
  13. The NBA has surpassed all my expectations by pumping fan noise into the arena and wigth the virtual fans "Zooming" in to the games, it has almost had a real "home" game feel. Much, much better than the cardboard cutout fans that I've seen in MLB. Would be awesome if the NFL could do something similar but I haven't heard any word about it.
  14. You're right, it's probably not Kelly Pegula holding that trade back. John Lynch would be fired in a New York minute were he to fall for that fleecing.
  15. Yep, we can all hope that he takes her advice seriously.
  16. You and I (and most Bills fans) would love this but unfortunately Kelly Pegula won't let it happen.
  17. People on the site always say, "Pic or it didn't happen" so here goes. This was taken last year before the season opener. All I can say is that I felt Lilliputian standing next to him. Awesome dude. His parents sit right behind my buddies' season tickets in section 130 when they attend.
  18. It's not Dr. Fauci's role to "lead"; he is charged with advising, with making recommendations based on the science. What is a public health issue has become politicized and the entire nation is suffering because of this. We are far from being the world model to be emulated when it comes to controlling the spread of the virus and Anthony Fauci is hardly the problem. Politicians failing to lead are the problem.
  19. I love the creative thinking and love even more how Buffalo would be designated as one of the host cities. Totally agree that the NBA is the league to be emulated too.
  20. Fair assessment; I hear you. I guess where he would have crossed the line for me is had he said no to shut downs of indoor protests, then yes, clearly that would indicate political bias affecting his epidemiological objectivity.
  21. I didn't see the exchange but I'm guessing Fauci's point was that the protests were outdoors (where the risk of transmission is said to be 1/20th what it is indoors), hence the higher risk of church gatherings, bars, restaurants, etc.
  22. Dayum...and I thought getting Covid-19 was just like a mild case of the sniffles...
  23. Yolo!! Watching the NBA restart tonight (LAL vs LAC). Really, really impressed with Ed Oliver matching up against Anthony Davis and Lebron, 2 of the top 5 players in the world. Shows what a tremendous athlete and how versatile he is.
  24. Haha, hysterical! Except one is 6'8" 220 and the other 6'1" 280ish but facially, they resemble each other a ton!
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