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Posts posted by SomeDudeAtHome

  1. For some of the older members that were around and remember the great 90's bills teams... When they made the probowls back then were they more competitive? Were the Probowls EVER competitive? I watched one a couple years ago and thought it was terrible and never watched again. I'm also of the age where they were hardly ever any Bills players to watch which made it even less interesting. 

  2. On 1/8/2019 at 11:45 AM, cba fan said:

    ???   ???   ?   ???

    in Morse code 2 longs, a short, and a long, signifies "Q" as one combined signal send.

    broken up it spells "MET"


    should it not be 3 shorts 3 longs 3 shorts ?


    Not sure if you're trying to make a joke with the SOS thing but 2 longs a short then a long is the standard train horn pattern when approaching a crossing.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, cba fan said:

    oh yeah. That is like sandpaper to the ear canal. Thanks for answering Bills bud.


    It was a soccer thing that inexplicably migrated to college and then onto NFL. Garbage crap.https://deadspin.com/5875933/how-the-song-seven-nation-army-conquered-the-sports-world


    released in 2003

    Wow I never even made the connection with that song. Interesting article thanks. Glad to see I'm not the only one who can't stand it. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 6 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    The train horn is bush league and annoying.  Get rid of it.  If you want the crowd to be loud,  make games more meaningful late in the year. 


    Speaking of bush league what is up with the crowd on kickoffs? It started just a year or two ago and I hate it. What is this college ball?

  5. 1 hour ago, Mark Vader said:

    I really loved last year's finale with Tre' White mic'd up. Loved his reaction when Kyle scored the touchdown.


    This one, was just as special if not more. I love it when he's going at it with Josh Allen on the sidelines.


    I'm going to miss Kyle.

    That whole throwing it out of the stadium bit was hilarious. What a great video

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. I agree with everything you said. 


    I think some of the negatives will work themselves out because he's proven he's ABLE to learn. Some QB's say the right thing about their mistakes but he shows he's able to fix them. For example I doubt we'll see him fumble another ball while running up the middle unless the defense makes some great play on it. The carelessness with the ball will go away. Also, I think he'll learn to develop that "touch" for the shorter throws which should also help the receivers catch some of those lasers that get dropped. 


    The future is very exciting with Allen that's for sure!

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Thanks for the input... I remember You saying that You grew up in The Falls by the Love site.  Such a horrible part of Our history. How it messed up the lives of so many... Awful what happened.  Not to bring back painful memories, do you think it contributed to some of the stories of sickness (w/Family & Friends) you've mentioned through the years here on The Board? 



    I think that is a bit unfair.  The factories, power production all started there. We wouldn't be a modern society without The Falls.


    Tesla invented the AC motor, AC won the current battle with the help of The Falls.


    The question should be... What would NF be like if we had the regulations in place then as we do now?


    The WNY area served the country, especially during War Times the most...  And the World, yet it was used and discarded.  What a disgrace.

    Oh I agree completely. I wasn't trying to say I wish they weren't there at all. Just that they would have understood/ cared/ had the foresight about what they were doing

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Hard to describe, but houses were never built over the actual "canal"...only the 99th street school. So there was this kinda wild area where one could play and wonder as a youngster and ride mini bikes as 12/13yr old. Let's just say you avoided dumpin in black ***** at all costs...stuff would sting for days!


    The shoes story sounds a little urban mythish..but who knows?


    97th and 99th street were my main route on my Courier Express route...damn streets were like 3/4 mile long


    haha those were the days right? 


    Imagine what NF could've been if it wasn't for what all the factories did to the area. Should be a slice of paradise but now will never be. 

  9. 9 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    you's got any questions from a residents point of view ...fire em up brother! Granted I grew up there so was not an adult..lived there first 17 years of my life..I'll answer any question I can!


    In some ways experienced the Love Canal as only a kid can..playing on it, riding mini bikes on it...all kinds of stuff


    Not sure I have any questions but would be more interested in stories I guess. 


    My mom has worked with people that live on Grand Island now and have stories of weird rashes or leaving shoes out in the yard to come back and find them melted from the chemicals days later. 


    I also know someone who monitors the wells around there now and takes the "water" samples from them. They say that you wouldn't even know it was water by looking at it.

  10. 22 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Still not with out scares and shame.


    IE:  "Love Canal" was supposed to be built as an All-American Canal to handle shipping and rival the Welland Canal around the dam/spillway structure (The Falls).  From Niagara Falls to Lake Ontario.  You know what happened there!  After Love's failed venture in late 1800s, early 1900s... It became the a nightmare as we all know.


    There was a push in the 1950s to build an All-American Canal to compete with Welland.  Studies were done then quickly dropped!  Did they know what laid in the hole at the Love site! Of course they did.  The idea for an All-American Canal would quickly die during the 1960s!







    This was to go from the Upper River just above Tonawanda to the shores of Lake Ontario, rivaling the Welland.  Buffalo would have never been turned into "Radiator Springs" with the building of the St.Lawrence Seaway.


    Yet... The timebomb was sitting there all the while @ the Love Canal site and wouldn't be publicly exposed for another 15+ years!!! 


    Food for thought...



    I have read on Love Canal pretty extensively. All of it fascinates me. I'm only 28 so I wasn't around when everything started happening but the pictures and stories of people that lived there are great and terrifying. The same thing is kind of happening in Wheatfield now (just a couple miles from where I grew up) and at Tonawanda Coke.


    And a Jetport? That's nuts. I can't imagine the way that would have reshaped the area there. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Great post. I think I can say I agree with all of it. 


    While I always root for a win knowing we're out of the playoffs and can get better draft position helps it not hurt so bad. I'm always torn between wins for Allen's confidence or loses for a good draft position which would hopefully be traded for more picks. 


    The biggest positive I've seen from Allen? He seems to learn from his mistakes. He's reading defenses better, he's learning to throw it away, he'll learn now to protect the ball better and it'll just keep coming. He's a rookie but is smart and will only get better. And yesterday he did throw at least 1 or 2 touch passes that had some air under them and weren't rockets which was a first I'd seen in a game. 

  12. I love watching him throw the ball. How effortless he can make the absolute rockets he throws is unbelievable. While the WR core is terrible I'd bet the velocity on his throws makes them harder to hand catch than anything they were used to in the past. 


    Reminds me of an interview I saw or receivers that played with Brett Farve and how they would count the number of fingers of there's he broke or sprained.  

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