I think McD is exactly what we need....not only this season but definately in the long term....love what he is doing with this team (considering what we had in the past).......Defence is playing exceptional (again compared to the last couple of years),,,,,,He is definately bringing out the best in our players no matter what their talent level is........IMO my only concern is the ongoing issues on offence....we have the players but it still seems (after the jets game) that our OC is not catering to our players strengths....keeps on relying on his scheme or appears to not being able to adjust on the fly if something is going wrong.....
Well i can talk about the Jets game as it just happened.....cant recall specifics about the Cinci game.....but with the jets our line played the worse they did this season in fact as far as i can remember...it was horrible....starts with the line.....many times he played out of the pocket and some of those plays were bang on! He is most dangerous on the run and when he does throw,,,,,,it seems he connects morso than just sitting in the pocket......
Praying for a very very wet downpour and cold day next sunday......Bree's is usually not who he is in the elements but this season so far they won 2 out of 3 road games so far......
Trolls will be trolls....its funny how most of them are never here after a win only when they lose and they come out pounding their chests how our QB sucks....how our team stinks......more than likely they're not bills fans at all....just trying to push buttons thats all.....
Hope they tweek or adjust within the next week....maybe im naive but they did adjustments in their bi week and worked for 2 wins in a row.....im hoping for the same even though i think NO is a much bigger challenge than TB/Oak.....i hope it rains and rains alot next sunday....
Romo made a good QB comparison at the end of the game....look at JM game stats and look at TT game stats and just by seeing them who do you think would likelly have won the game.....even if you didnt watch the game (anyone who did watch can clearly see the predominant reasons why they lost).....just an interesting observation by Romo.....
Im not telling you anything.....im posting a fact...sorry a stat.....he was actually 1 point less or more in rating after garbage time......285 yards total....29-40 entire game with 2 TD and 1 rushing TD.....take it however you want......there you go......
All this is spot one.....why some cant see this is beyond me especially if some of these people actually admit that they watched the game! Crazy....some have their anti QB blinders on i guess.....
Yes our damn QB....his fault his linemen couldnt stop a nose bleed last night.....his fault our asstute OC runs Tolbert in pivitol situations..his fault our OC clearly didnt adjust his play at all especially when they load 9 in the box and he continues to run the ball which was not effective at all..his fault we get the multitude of penalties especially the 15 yards ones...his fault of the drop balls.....his fault the run defence got gashed last night....his fault he only did get 285 yards in the air + 2 TD's and 1 rushing TD's......see what i did here?? never mind you wont get it....again....carry on please......