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Everything posted by JPP

  1. Meh.....one man's garbage is other man's????? more garbage?
  2. 4pm will come and go im afraid......
  3. it would be him
  4. got caught with PED's in the past.....missed entire last season due to injury....boy am i excited (sarcasm)
  5. No he's not.....writing on the wall?.....only graffiti.....damn millenials again!
  6. Not if he passes his physical which he definately will....Luck is not 40 yrs old he will be fine...
  7. Please......stop......the......insanity.......er i mean this thread.....
  8. Mccown will be relatively cheap...wway way more cheaper than Mccarron would be my guess....eveything clearly points to us aggresively going to snag one of the top QB in the draft which is exactly what they should do......I say mccown only if a vet has to start for a bit and when i say a bit im hoping for perhaps half a season and put in the rookie......i want a very very short term Vet in event we do get a rosen-darnold or mayfield.....
  9. Stay as far away from tier 3 as possible....
  10. Mccown is the obvious.....Bridgewater looks to be a jet....and Mccarron would be paid not to be a bridge....i want a top 5 QB rookie pick so play mccown next season or part of it.....
  11. 50-50 chance he may.....one hit on glassman and i dont see him getting back up...
  12. nah....no one likes you....
  13. I am really loving this off season like never before!
  14. Stupid is as stupid says Forrest...
  15. Next......Sources say Aaron Rogers is not happy with GB....Bills making a strong push to get him...willing to give GB the Bills farm and than some......if not we can still pursue Tom Brady as he's good until 45....
  16. just me though.....but isnt an aggressive GM a good thing?
  17. Yes very good deal done by Beane..........they were going to turn the page anyways and start fresh which i agree with totally (and i do like tyrod).....pretty much a very late 2nd if you look at it a certain way......love what this FO is doing so far......they will make the Bills a true contender!!
  18. Finally someone with the cajoes to call for it! With all the Tyrod threads that are nonstop we all forgot about the Bills secret weapon hiding in the shadows.......UNLEASH THE BEAST that is Joe Webb.....no one and i mean no one will see it coming!
  19. now that would be something! I hope so......
  20. Hopefully this is just speculation....If we get Glassman than it is vital we do what we have to in getting into the top 5 and getting a QB......cause once Glassman goes down in the 1st game of the season god help us if its Peterman waiting in the wings!
  21. Changed my mind....im with Gino Smith.....the earth is flat!
  22. would be nice....
  23. Well maybe he will try really really really hard......i for one will wait at least until the season starts.....so far it appears he will do more of a power offence which will suite our players instead of that garbage Dennsion was so adamant at doing for much of the season with out adjusting.........my only worry is i hope this OC can do game plan adjustments when needed....we sorely missed that last season.....Dennison was definately a one trick monkey.......
  24. Yes would love to have him back'...pieces are falling into place.....process won me over!
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