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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. https://www.canadaswonderland.com/play/rides/yukon-striker Really looking forward to next year to ride this. Not many looping coasters go 80mph.
  2. I got tickets a couple of weeks ago. 27 bucks for outfield seats. A great place to see a baseball game. Once you see the amenities that park has you will wish New Era Field had them.
  3. The PSL would probably more inline with what the Browns charge. That is $16,000 per seat for the best seats. They start at $500. Yeah tickets are going to go up and they will be close to that price for the best seats.
  4. I would love a bar area similar to the one at Progressive field in Cleveland. It has a bunch of tables along a railing that faces the field so you can sit and eat while watching a game. Its open to all fans at the stadium.
  5. Sorry but the NFL is no longer your grandfathers NFL. At some point ticket prices will rise to be more in line with the league average. When it does happen the stadium has to offer more amenities then the bare bones it has now. A lot of people are willing to pay higher prices if the experience is worth it. That means better food and beer as well as nice lounge to see the game from.
  6. A know a lot of the older fans are happy with a place to see the game, their labatt blue and a hot dog. To grow their fan base they need more bells and whistles. For me personally being able to have some good craft brews and better food options like pulled pork on a bun, tacos, cheese steak sandwiches. Why not offer some of the food like Key Bank centre has? I am finding it hard to understand why so many of you wouldn't want a stadium that offers those things.
  7. Whats wrong with craft brews and wanting to eat something better then sauages or hotdogs. Oh I know its too sophisticated for you. You just want your Genny light and a bench to watch the game.
  8. It seems like a lot of the people on this board are older fans that are not into the way the new football and baseball stadiums are built aside from the PSL's.
  9. What is so bad about wanting better beer than GENNY LIGHT or your typical sausage or hot dog. What is so bad about wanting a bar area where you can see the game inside the stadium? For me its all about the experience and amenities at the stadium. If I am going to a bare bones stadium like New Era Field I might as well stay and get a better view from my tv.
  10. I disagree. If you like bare bones then its a fine stadium. I was just at Progressive field in Cleveland and the amenities there were some of the best. Between the amazing food offerings and the craft brews makes it a great place to see a game. There is even a nice bar area that you can sit at and watch the game from. That is the kind of things that is missing at New Era Field. I guess people in Buffalo don't like change or state of the art amenities.
  11. Driving through Cleveland on my way home from Cedar Point I passed the Browns stadium. From what I could see it looks like a really nice stadium. What about building one like that?
  12. I go down to Florida every February to get away from the depths of ice, snow and cold.
  13. Theme parks never get old. The rush you get riding a roller coaster is one of the best things. The only good thing good about winter and fall is hockey.
  14. Since I live in Canada its hard for me to move to a warmer climate. Believe me if I could I would move to Florida in an instant. I hate cold and snow. I am so amazed at how many people seem to hate the heat but love the cold. Besides there is lot more things to do in the warmer weather then in the depths of winter. You can't go to parks like Cedar Point in the winter.
  15. I wasn't questioning your fandom at all. In general I know why they are doing this. Its not cause of guys like you. I know Sabres season ticket holders that sell more then half their games to make money. You can blame it on fans like that on why they changed the way tickets are available.
  16. I'm not a corporate shill. I just think the new way is better. Its only an issue if you want to sell your tickets. It used to be that you bought season tickets cause you are a fan of the team. Now a lot of season ticket holders seem to go maybe half the games in a season and try to make a profit off the rest of the games. This is the NFL's way of controlling that.
  17. I love having the ticket on my phone. Better then having a physical copy that you might lose. People just need to catch up with technology. I don't know why so many are technically impaired.
  18. Dave Matthews once again put on a fantastic show. No opening act and played for 2.5 hours. After seeing him its hard to justify paying to see anyone else. Most acts play for 90 minutes tops. I will say what does amaze me is how so few seem to like his music but yet he sells out constantly.
  19. Reading this thread and how short a lot of these acts play for makes me realize how worth it is to see Dave Matthews. No opening act and he usually plays for 2 to 2.5 hours. I have seem him 2 years ago and looking forward to seeing him next week.
  20. I have Dave Matthews in a couple of weeks in Toronto and then Offspring and 311 at the end of August
  21. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/broncos-strip-season-tickets-from-fans-who-have-been-selling-them-for-profit/amp/ No I was talking about the Broncos. The NFL is just trying to catch up with other leagues that do the same. The leagues are tired of people making a profit off of them.
  22. It may be worse to sell games but I believe thats what owners want. 400 season ticket holders had their tickets revoked for re-selling them and not attending games. Teams don't want fans making a profit off their season tickets.
  23. Sorry but my team is Tampa so you sir are WRONG. Try again. Sorry that you are one of the bitter Bills fans that can't appreciate greatness when they see it. I bet you are one them that isn't going to watch the Super Bowl.
  24. I watch the Super Bowl every year unless I am working. I am going to on vacation in Orlando but I am still going to watch it. I am not a Pats fan but I am cheering for them to win it again. I like watching teams dominate their sport. I honestly thing parity is the worst thing that can happen to sports. Part of the reason ratings are down this year is that of the final 4 teams only one had a great QB. Most casual fans want to see the best teams go at it. I just want to add, I have never seen a fan base so bitter then the Bills one. They finally make the playoffs after 17 years and a lot of you are still mad at the world. No wonder a lot of you drink so much during tailgating.
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