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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. It is an embarrassment but my suggestion has always been tune into the other team in town. They are winning, are exciting to watch and the Sabres have outscored the Bills 53 to 46 since the Sabres season started.
  2. Thats the way it works in Canada. Either way I still think there should more people have to go through to get a gun. It might help stop some of these mass shootings. They need to do more background checks on people who want to buy a gun. Any suspicion of mental illness and no gun for you.
  3. I am sorry but the QB situation going to this season is inexcusable. They knew Allen needed time to learn the pro game as he is really raw. The fact Peterman is still on the roster and that they believe he can play in this league makes me really question if they know anything about a modern NFL offense. Then again McDermott believes you can win playing field position and playing conservative offense.
  4. It doesn't change the fact you need to go through a lot to be able to own a gun in Canada. Owning a gun should be the same as a car license. Its a privilege not a right.
  5. Why not change the name of the team to the Panthers while they are at it.
  6. The biggest reason you don't a lot of gun violence in Canada is it takes a lot of work to become licensed to have a gun here. Here they do background checks and it takes sometimes up to a year to get your license. What makes no sense is how each state has their own laws for guns. Here in Canada its federally legislated and you're only allowed handguns, shotguns and rifles. No semi-auto is allowed. I think if the U.S. followed the way Canada does with getting a license it would help.
  7. I don't see it in regards to Allen. He has tendency to run after his first checkdown. A lot like Tyrod with a bigger upside. He has accuracy issues dating back to college. Blame his WR 's all you want but the best QB's make their WR's better.
  8. How anyone gets board watching hockey is beyond me. Watching basketball and going up and down the court over and over is boring to me.
  9. A lot of you don't get it. Its not that they are losing that is upset them. Its the kind of football that is being played and not being competitive in games is another. In an era where offense is easy to come by and going that many games without a TD is embarrassing. Thats what a lot of fans are upset with.
  10. I have heard from quite a few people that have taken a person to their first game that they love it.
  11. Its better then watching a game of field position and a lot of punts.
  12. I don't see then winning many more games when they can't score more then 9 points
  13. I have often wondered why hockey and the NHL is not more popular in the U.S. The more I think about the more I think it has to do with the fast pace of hockey. The other 3 top major sports in the U.S. are all slow paced. You can turn away from the action and not miss a thing. Hockey you have to be engaged into the game the whole time.
  14. Its a shame more football fans aren't hockey fans. Its one of the best sports in the world. Very fast paced sport. I wonder if its cause its too fast paced for most casual sports fans. There is no break in the action. Football is very slow paced. You have time to take in the last play.
  15. I love it. If you have a good offense your team is never out of a game. The Rams Saints game was one of the best games played in a long time.
  16. Those type of games are few and far between. Smash mouth football and hitting guys coming across the middle are coming to an end. Its either accept the new NFL or walk away from it.
  17. Wow most Bills fans don't even pay attention to the Sabres. All you look at is their record. Right now they are in a playoff spot and look to be turning it around. They are a much better team this season and are fun to watch unlike the Bills. They will enjoy it. For some reason a lot of the old timers on this board love that kind of football.
  18. Then your back to the mess they just cleaned up.
  19. You won't hear that cause Beane is GM in name only. I really believe McDermott is the guy who is doing the majority of building of this team.
  20. Maybe but those teams aren't on pace to be the worst offense in a long time. It may be lack of talent in the Bills but other teams manage to scheme recievers open.
  21. The problem is there is no great options at WR in FA this year. Golden Tate is about the only one and I doubt he leaves the Eagles.
  22. Thats the way the league is going. Why is it that Bills fans from the Rockpile days yearn for smash mouth pound the rock football. Sorry but you don't win many games that way now.
  23. Its hard to relax when there is 4 teams that have more cap space then the Bills next season and when McCoach believes that Peterman is a starting QB in this league still. The fact this regime can't see that Peterman can't play in this league and shouldn't be on this team tells me all I need to know about their eye for talent on offense.
  24. If what you say is true then they should have let Allen play that way when he started. Instead they went to a conservative game plan. His best game was against the Vikings where he was alowed to sling it all over the field. When he does come back let him sling it all over the field and see what he can do. My fear is they will continue with the conservative pound the rock game plan.
  25. Sorry you lost me at The Franchise. Right now he is Tyrod 2.0 with better upside.
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