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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. Non stop action is what makes hockey a better sport. Just wish more Americans would embrace it.
  2. Why do you say the playoff format is the worst in sports? I wish they would get rid of the wild card and make it top 4 in the division make the playoffs.
  3. There is always the NHL playoffs to tie you guys over til the draft. The Stanley Cup is the hardest trophy to win and the hockey is really good.
  4. It amazes me how so many of you want to put lipstick on a pig. A new stadium is inevitable. Ticket prices will for sure go up. It will probably be inline with what the Browns pay. Their PSL start at $250 for upper level to $6500 for field level.
  5. I think being priced out is the biggest reason a lot of people don't want a new stadium. For some that might happen but IMO tickets will eventually rise to be closer to the league average.
  6. I agree with that. It seems you are in the minority. As far as having a domed stadium and upgraded amenities, its cause of the advances in tv. A lot of people find it better to sit at home and watch the game. Teams are finding that they have to make the game more of an experience. Tailgating isn't the draw anymore. A good example of a great stadium is Progressive field in Cleveland. It has a kids play area, lots of craft beer options, a bar area that overlooks the field. When they build the new stadium they should keep those kind of things in mind.
  7. You know that and I know that. It seems that a lot of the posters here are older fans and don't like change.
  8. An indoor stadium would be the best for the Bills. You would get a lot more people coming out to december games. From reading this thread and others it seems its an older fan base that posts here. A lot of you hate change. A downtown domed stadium would be great IMO. With all the bars and restaurants downtown now who needs tailgating. They have better beer at the bars over the Blue and Genny that most seem to love.
  9. I can see them getting rid of private lots with a move downtown. Police their lots heavily to curb the crazy stuff.
  10. I have never seen a fan base that gets so upset over a player bad mouthing their team. Its only a game, if it upsets you this much maybe some of you need to step away from the Bills.
  11. Why does that matter. He doesn't play for the Bills. I am sorry but this mentality that players have to be nice guys is over rated. I would take an elite WR like Antonio Brown over a guy like foster any day. Talent trumps blue collar nice guys.
  12. ^this guy. ? A big BILLiever in the hype. A bunch of #2 and #3 WRs isn't going to get it done. It remains to be seen if these moves will work out. Almost all of them have had injuries in the last 2 seasons. But you keep buying what they are selling.
  13. While that is true and I love how downtown has changed for the better, IMO the stadium doesn't help or the fanbase either. IMO the stadium and a lot of the older fans of the Bills scream Blue Collar. A downtown stadium similar to the one in Atlanta would help the Bills get rid of the Blue Collar stigma. As far as the fanbase goes, you really need to drop the whole bring your lunchpail to work type players to play for the Bills. This past week how many of you kept saying that you don't want guys like Odell Beckham or Antonio Brown cause they are Divas and don't fit the Bills mold. Sometimes you need those diva elite WR to get you over the top. Blue Collar doesn't win much in this league and the Bills need to lose that.
  14. I can understand why players don't want to play for Buffalo. A lot of the fanbase gives off this blue collar vibe to the city. If I am a young guy that likes to party, a blue collar city is the last place I want to live. If they ever build a downtown stadium that would help things a lot. They have really built up the night life downtown.
  15. I would rather have the A+ players on my team over the B+ blue collar type.
  16. ^ this guy is one of the many that BILLieve blue collar talent is what the Bills should be all about. We don't want high end talent here.
  17. After reading many threads on here I have come across a lot of Bills fans seem to love a blue collar type team. A lot seem to be against having an Antonio Brown type player cause they don't fit the Buffalo blue collar type. Why do you fans love the Blue Collar team?
  18. Sorry I could care less about PROCESS BLUE COLLAR players. Why is it Bills fans love blue collar teams? Blue collar teams don't do well in the NFL anymore.
  19. PSL's are most likely going to happen as well as tailgating going to change. They are trying to price out the ones that go to the game just to drink and get drunk.
  20. You guys really need to layoff the fixed agenda. If it was really fixed for the Pats to win all the time wouldn't other owners be upset about it? Keep Billieving what you want.
  21. Nothing wrong with fantasy football. It makes games that don't involve your team worthwhile to watch.
  22. Fixed it for you.
  23. Its only niche in the US cause people like you find it too fast to keep up with whats going on.
  24. I'm surprised they didn't go all in with the new Pop music that some claim is country.
  25. This half time show is awful. Someday it would be awesome to see System of a Down play half time.
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