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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. They need to bring back the blackout rule. If you want to see your team play, watch them at the stadium. I think a new domed stadium downtown would be great. It draw in a lot of people that don't go to many games anymore since they don't have to deal with the elements
  2. I wish people would have the same passion for the Sabres as they do the Bills. You don't see many Sabres fans in other parts of the U.S. like you do the Bills. I get it that most Americans don't like hockey. Its a shame cause it's an amazing sport.
  3. I love the way they are being built. Its exciting but wish people in Buffalo would share the same passion as they do for the Bills.
  4. As exciting as it is, I would love to see the same excitement for Sabres hockey. They seem to be on the right track and some reason most seem to not like hockey.
  5. For some reason they will have patience for the Bills to be a good team but expect playoffs immediately for the Sabres
  6. They need to bring back the blackout rule. If you want to see your team play, watch them at the stadium.
  7. Its hard to get drunk off light beer so I can't see that happening.
  8. Today's NFL doesn't run that way. Winning is the only thing that matters. The Pats have shown that to be the case. I could less about how much faith or how nice the player is. I want to see wins.
  9. I agree with you. I wonder if a lot of what Shaw66 others say about the Pats is cause the hardcore Bills fanbase is an older group by average. They come from an era of bring your lunch pail to work.
  10. Sorry but in a league that you said is hard to win in, winning should come at all costs. Its not the Rockpile days, lunch pail type teams don't win consistently in this league.
  11. Its cause you drink light beer that's the real reason.
  12. They won cause the Jets didn't have an NFL kicker.
  13. Its ok, Allen led them down the field for the win so you can overlook them. ?. He is still an inaccurate QB but he is the saviour so its not important.
  14. What he is saying is true, but cause he is Allen is the saviour and franchise, its ok. Cause Bills fans want to BILLieve so bad in Allen, you overlook how bad his first half was. It was Peterman level bad.
  15. Buffalo needs to get over the lunch pail, Blue collar mindset. A guy like AB would do wonders for their receiving core.
  16. All I picture is Bills fans dressed as Rodney Dangerfield. "We get no respect". Personally I see the game as a field goal game.
  17. Any local bar should carry the game so it shouldn't matter if they back the Bills or not.
  18. The couple seasons I played fantasy football were a lot of fun. Makes the other games of the week interesting. I'm in a league at work where we pick the winners every week. Makes the football season more interesting. I have noticed that a lot of Bills fans on this board seem to be an older generation. If you want good football talk listen to NFL radio on Sirius. No fantasy talk there.
  19. Tailgating will still exist but it will more like it is in other markets. Which is smaller and pushing people to the bars and restaurants near the stadium. I think the Bills are going more for more of a family friendly environment. Similar to Sabres games. They want to cut down on the amount of drunks that go to games.
  20. Be prepared cause we all know a new stadium is most likely coming with limited tailgating and higher ticket prices. Tickets will probably more closer to the league average of $100 over the $70 they are now. It seems you more of a fan of the tailgating over going to the game to see the the Bills play.
  21. He is just jealous cause the Bills don't have great QB like him.
  22. Go to Darien Lake and ride all the roller coasters.
  23. Blues Brothers is an awesome soundtrack. Another good one is Wedding Singer. Love the 80s music.
  24. ^this guy ? ITS ONLY PRESEASON.
  25. That's cause you aren't the Bills region any more
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