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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. I'm surprised by the may talk in the U.S. Here in Canada they figure this will last well into summer and then they will slowly open up things. Bars, restaurants and shops will open first with limited capacity. Any thing that involves large crowds will way down the line. Trudeau said today expect this to be the new normal til a vaccine is available.
  2. It does suck but Ontario just closed all parks, sports fields and all outdoor recreational facilities. Now they limited gatherings to 5 here so they had to do it. Too many people think this is nothing.
  3. You can go for walks and have outdoor exercise but in your neighborhood The problem was and still is in some spots is too many people were going to the parks. Unless the park is near your house you would have to drive to them. That would mean it's non-essential travel.
  4. Here in Canada every province is pretty much on the same page. They have been telling people to stay home unless you need to go out. The only reason you should have to go out is for groceries and work. They have been closing all parks and public areas trying to get people to stay home. While most are listening, a lot were still going to the beach and parks for walks.
  5. https://www.iheartradio.ca/580-cfra/covid-19-updates/reality-you-re-likely-locked-down-until-summer-1.11184525?fbclid=IwAR0xF0Y7UB83bsubtbVqJ9b7ozXad-0WQvgsQGwMK2jeNajL2f-6wt9uxcc Our premier figures we will be locked down til mid summer. Possibly June or July.
  6. What I find funny about this whole being stuck at home thing is how bored people really are. The reason I say that is I have noticed the last year or so I see less and less people out at bars and restaurants compared to a few years ago. At least in my area it seemed that way. More and more people are staying in by choice. Now that we have to stay in people are going stir crazy and can't handle it.
  7. What upsets me more then anything else about what's going on is how much the government has to babysit us. If people would have followed what was suggested and did social distancing from the beginning and avoided crowds we wouldn't have had to resort to this. If people just stayed home except to go to work or get essentials we would have been better off. Of course people can't help themselves and have to go the beach or the bar. Too many of us didn't take this seriously including me, til they started closing things.
  8. Once they started closing things it made me realize how bad this really is. It will get better quicker if people would just stay home.
  9. Its sad to see so many people don't think this will affect them. Why is it so hard to understand that you stay home except for work or groceries.
  10. The scariest thing about it is how over here in Canada and the U.S. so many believe this is nothing.
  11. Sorry to hear that. I hope for you and your staff it is only 2 weeks. I pray that this ends quick and we can get to back to normal sooner rather then later. I'm a little scared for myself as I work in retail that sells groceries so I have to be around a lot of people daily.
  12. It probably would have happened sooner here in Canada and the U.S. but the issue is that people seem to panic a lot easier here. In Europe when any of their government imposes closures, people seem to accept it. Even the suggestion of self-isolate after returning from out of country, most seem to ignore and just go back to work.
  13. That and at least in my area its starting to go back to normal. Grocery stores are crazy busy like they were.
  14. It is sad but til more people take this seriously it's the only way. They are closing things to try to force people to practice social distancing and avoid places with lots of people.
  15. Apparently here the mass panic has started to slow down and grocery stores and Costco has gone some what back to normal. Now just need to find away to get people to do more social distancing. What I don't get is here in Canada it was up to the province to close the schools but in the U.S they let each district to decide. I would have thought each State had more say in it.
  16. Airports should be shut down. In case anyone hasn't noticed the majority of cases have come from people who have traveled by air and yet that is allowed to continue.
  17. Its good to see some people are getting it. There is still lots that aren't. Here in my city the University kids aren't getting it. They closed down a street near the school so a bunch of them could party for St. Patrick's Day. I have seen a few posts from friends on Facebook that still plan on traveling outside of the country cause as they said"If I get sick there is people there to take care of me"
  18. It might be the only way to get the people that don't understand the severity of this to understand.
  19. The U.S. and Canada would be smart to do what Spain and France has done. Both countries have closed everything except for gas stations and grocery stores. Spain has now banned people from leaving their homes except for work or to get essentials. If you do have to leave only one person per household is allowed to leave at a time. IMO its the best way to stop the spread since a lot of people aren't taking the social distancing seriously
  20. It makes sense. The only way to slow this down other then washing your hands is social distancing. Social distancing should be stressed as much as hand washing is.
  21. Its almost like government needs to do more to make people understand the severity of this. I was at the airport this morning to drop off my stepson to fly up north to visit his grandmother for the week. The amount of people still traveling after what has gone on in the last couple of days is mind blowing. I know we tell people that it's bad to be sheeple but now would be the best time to be one.
  22. The only think I find funny is they are closing all these places to slow the spread of this but the amount of people in grocery stores right now is insane. Isn't that the kind of thing they are trying to stop, having a lot of people in one place all at once?
  23. As far the daycare thing goes, you are lucky that so far they are staying open. Here in Ontario they have closed most of them when they closed the schools.
  24. Real concern especially now that they are closing all major tourist attractions. Grocery stores have been packed every day since the announcement
  25. Hearing a lot of you worry about insurance coverage, I am glad I live in Canada
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