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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. I really wonder if crowd noise had an affect on Allen. Playing with no noise probably helped a lot.
  2. I swear many just don't watch the games and just look at the record and say same old Sabres. Many forget there was no pre-season, its going to take time to get into regular season shape. Outside of the first game they have looked pretty good. Once they start scoring they will start winning games.
  3. I thought they played a good game. It's going to take a bit to get into game shape. They had no preseason its like that for every team. Adding a bunch of new players it will take some time to get adjusted. It's unfortunate so many of you are so quick to dump on them.
  4. It was the first game back with no preseason. I'm expecting a better game tonight with Ullmark in net. I'm guessing you didn't even watch the game.
  5. I disagree. Nobody took a night off. They were rusty from not playing for 10 months. Washington didn't look much better. It's going a bit for them to gel. Especially with not having any preseason games.
  6. Not trying to be da wiseguy. I can only take Bills radio for so long. Personally I like the instigators much better then One Bills Live
  7. You can say he sucked and had a bad game. Whats not needed is saying things like " Murray will be better after his parents take him out for ice cream".
  8. I am over it. Its just annoying to go into a thread about other games and almost everyone is insulting the teams playing. Can you guys not go a game without putting down other teams.
  9. Don't like them either. I just try to be objective when watching other games. I don't see the need to put down other teams when watching the game. So many of you are too butt hurt to losing to the Cards.
  10. No. They aren't my team at all. I'm just tired of all you worrying about other teams then your own. Constant put down of Murray, Pats and tonight Dolphins.
  11. He was a good kicker and sad he to retire early. The part I like is never having to Huase Money ever again.
  12. Yes the Jets stand out. I'm not sure how many of you watch the NHL but their refs call the game to keep it close. It wouldn't surprise me the NFL does the same.
  13. Its not a conspiracy theory at all. The NHL does it all the time. I'm not saying refs make up calls to keep the game close but they will be apt to call something for a losing team to help them keep the game close. Especially if the losing team is losing by a lot.
  14. Its not all part of the game. Its also comes from the league in telling the refs to be game managers. Call the game to keep it close.
  15. Part of the why teams to blow out others is not all to do with not playing 4 qtrs. A lot has to do with how games are reffed. I am sick and tired of the game management ref system. This isn't grade school where you have keep everyone happy by giving them a ribbon.
  16. As I said in another thread IMO the reason for the bad officiating is due to the refs being game managers. Its a problem across all leagues, they are so focused on parity they do whatever it takes to keep games close. IMO it has ruined sports as a whole. All parity has done is make every team mediocre. No team stands out and all to make all fans happy.
  17. I was talking the league as a whole not just the Bills. I was responding to the previous poster talking about the refs being game managers to keep games close.
  18. Too add on to your point about the refs keeping the games right, it happens in all leagues. The NHL is notorious for it. I believe it comes for the league offices as they love parity and games being close. I hate it. I hate artificial parity that sports have become. Either by refs told to be game managers or as in the case of the NHL, giving teams points for losing in OT to keep the standing close. I'm sorry but all leagues are much better when they have dominant teams. I personally want to see greatness and hate seeing teams run out the clock to end the game. I wish more teams were like the Pat teams of old where they never too their foot of the gas.
  19. I honestly think the reason is like that has to with the fact there is sets of fans on this board. On one side you have the fans that have been Bills fans since the AFL days. On the other side you have the fans that just recently started following the team. The older fan base has seen it all and just want to win. They don't care what it looks like. The newer fan base sees teams around the league blow out teams and can't understand why the Bills seem to not so it often. I will say the one thing I will happy to never hear again is how its hard to win in this league.
  20. According to many on here it's hard to win in this league.
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