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Everything posted by Avisan

  1. Exactly. In the first two rounds there are HUGE relative advantages to winning the division vs. getting in as a wildcard team.
  2. Honestly Mario Williams was great for us and very arguably lived up to his contract, the rest of the team was just extremely mediocre still.
  3. I want Division + 2 or 3 seed in play. It makes a huge difference in the Wild Card round and delays us hitting the Ravens until AFCCG.
  4. Can you (or somebody else) fill me in on why he seems to be so disliked here? He seems like a good, solid coach and can't recall anything in particular that he has done to draw ire.
  5. If Wilson has another game like this week... that's actually extremely plausible. This season has been absolutely nuts.
  6. We may actually be able to knock Miami out of the playoffs entirely depending on how records shake out after week 18. This season has been an absolute roller coaster, the AFC is pure chaos and (provided the Bills get into the playoffs) it's been an incredible entertaining NFL season overall.
  7. 10-7 may well take the Division, Miami can easily lose to Dallas and Baltimore. Playoff picture looking much, much more favorable after this week. Go Bills!
  8. This legit might be another end-of-season slide for Miami, 10-7 could potentially win the division week 18. They could easily lose to Dallas and Baltimore.
  9. We are, though? Our defense is starting to solidify despite personnel losses and the Bills have a Top 5 offense at worst when we aren't shooting ourselves in the foot. What team(s) do you feel like we don't have a reasonable chance of beating, and why?
  10. Y'all need to remember that the Bills are still one of the best teams in the league despite our record and injuries. Repeatedly punching ourselves in the 'nads on offense for a few weeks and a string of bad bounces led to an uphill playoff climb, but the Bills SHOULD beat every team remaining on our schedule. They just haven't been getting it done so far this year. Acting as though the Bills need a miracle to win against *insert team here* is plain bizarre, we have the horses to get it done against any of them. Just gotta stop going all Plaxico Burress on ourselves on offense.
  11. Defenses have taken that away. They play contain and spy to force him to stay in the pocket as much as possible. 3 man rush with double spy has shown up from multiple teams, now. Keep him in the pocket, take away the big play, bait turnovers. It works. His best games this season have been the ones where he has been willing to take the underneath and hot routes first as they come open instead of big play hunting.
  12. Your entire post is predicated on Murray being a poor runner and hampering our run game vs. the Broncos, thus making having Cook sit for a couple of series an indefensible move This is demonstrably not the case I don't know who you are, either, and I don't care. Your posts have stood out to me the last couple of days both in their absurdity and their absolute certainty that the absurd perspective presented is true. I'm not arguing with you. An argument implies a clash of two perspectives that each party respectively insists to be valid. This isn't an invitation to critique my thoughts or posts in a mutual battle of wits, although nothing is stopping you from clicking on my profile to find something to complain about. This is me gently suggesting you identify the facts and form a perspective based on them, instead of forming a perspective and making up facts based on it.
  13. Bro Murray had like 7 yards per carry Your relationship with reality the last couple of days has been tenuous at best
  14. Kincaid was open for the first, there. Defenders are backing away from the LoS to account for the other receivers and Kincaid would have made it. Short pitches and catches are basic functions of NFL skill players, so I would hope that this isn't too much of an assumption to ask for in playcalling.
  15. A 7-yard gain out of bounds or a throwaway are both reasonable outcomes vs. an interception there. Throw to Cook or throw it away.
  16. Teams are taking it away. He tried early on this season but DEs are prioritizing containment, and multiple teams have utilized 3 rushers with double spy against us on 3rd downs. Teams are making it harder for him and he likely has slowed down a bit from bodily wear and tear.
  17. Teams aren't going to let him do it, is the point. The same thing happened to Mahomes two years back. Mahomes last year had YPA etc. way down but a very efficient offense because he was forced to learn to play dink-and-dunk from the pocket in 2021 and actually learned. Will Allen?
  18. Yeah, not really sure how it gets addressed, either. It seems like the players are putting in effort on game day, so a simple remotivation isn't going to suddenly change anything. The schemes appear to be generally effective in setting up players for success on offense and defense. We aren't the McDaniels Raiders.
  19. The problem is that this isn't a sustainable approach. Defenses have started rushing three and double-spying on third down, for example. You can't just scramble and pull rabbits out of hats forever. We used to complain about our offense relying on Josh being Superman-- I don't think that was ever true. I think Josh WANTS to scramble and do Superman stuff because the pocket passing is difficult for him, and teams have adjusted to that. If he wants to be an elite QB for the rest of his career, he needs to develop his pocket game.
  20. Yeah. The coaching staff may well have some insurmountable limitations, but poor player execution is the demonstrable cause of many of our offensive woes, and most of those errors don't appear to be due to design complexity or anything unusual or novel at the NFL level. Like okay, replace the coaches-- is that going to solve our ability to read the defense, catch the ball, hang onto the ball, or finish tackles?
  21. You can't just "play football" at the NFL level, dude. Opposing athletes are too good and good defenses actively take away the things you like to do when you try to just "play football" mindlessly without regard for how your play and the defensive playcall interact. Josh is physically talented enough that he gets away with it sometimes, but it isn't a sustainable approach.
  22. There were literally several players open for the first on this play lol This stuff is so maddening because you can see that the play design actually works in terms of getting people open but Josh either doesn't see it or the open receiver drops it
  23. When players don't execute it doesn't matter what you call. Some of the execution errors may well be due to coaching, but some of it is very obvious failure of football basics.
  24. Honestly the most frustrating part of this team is that birds-eye-view, things appear to be well-called. Like, even all of the "OfFeNsE iS sChEmAtIcAlLy BrOkEn!!1!" videos involve breakdowns of plays where... there is a guy wide open for the first down that Allen just doesn't see because he locked on somewhere else. The defensive play call worked, and Wilson had to throw up prayer ball that spent like five seconds in the air to keep the game alive. Taron got beat clean off the line to start the play AND THEN made a boneheaded error trying to make up for the first mistake. What level of situational incompetence can coaches reasonably be asked to plan for? At what point is it coaching, and at what point is it players failing at their jobs? How much can change with new coaching staff if the players just aren't getting it done?
  25. A team with Superbowl aspirations (which a team of our potential SHOULD have) cannot coach as though the offensive personnel is incapable of executing a field goal drive.
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