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Everything posted by Yobogoya!

  1. How did that guy pick up a yard lol
  2. Martin’s already in postseason form I see.
  3. I have to question the logic of shaking up the line after the one good, solid year of Josh’s career he’s been able to enjoy that. Morse’s contract wasn’t great but that’s one I would’ve worked harder to keep somehow.
  4. There’s probably some correlation between the two, honestly. McDermott’s preferred defense is to bend but don’t break, so unless the opponent can consistently stop Allen while at the same time scoring tons of points (how many teams can do both?), games we lose have a propensity to be close ones. But McD’s defense also falters in the playoffs when teams are putting it all on the line and being more aggressive. It’s hard to expect McD to start being a different coach come playoff time, he’s going to stick with his process of what he knows.
  5. Isaiah McKenzie. Dude is bats--t crazy and seeing the NFL through his eyes would probably read like something from Haruki Murakami. We have enough x's and o's types of football books and introspective memoirs... show me the NFL through the lens of surrealism and cosmic horror Isaiah! 😂
  6. Kamala can’t even finish a coherent thought out loud. Also her time as a lawyer is a major reason for her massive unpopularity, particularly among black constituents. She is not well liked, except by those who would vote based only on diversity checkboxes. I have my doubts she will be the true nominee here.
  7. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume BillsFanNC is more than 4 years old. Could be wrong. Kids are pretty handy with the internet from a young age these days.
  8. Honestly, I think the scariest part of the last 8 years of American politics is that the political elite have realized they can feed half this country whatever story they want and it won’t make a damn bit of difference. Most of the sheeple who are going to vote D in November are going to go to bed tonight not even knowing Biden has dropped out the race. Who cares about keeping up appearances?
  9. Yep. Everything for the good of the party. “War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”
  10. 100% Also throwing pills at kids from a young age, coddling them, lack of spirituality… it’s like the human race came this far just to start going backwards in a hurry.
  11. The youngest generations right now are rife with anger, resentment and no sense of purpose. It’s been bad for a long time but only seems to be getting worse. It’s a shame that kids (and society at large really) have such a lack of perspective that they’re unable to appreciate what they have.
  12. Agreed. If you hate the man and have wished him dead you may as well own it, instead of walking it back and trying to take some sort of moral high ground now. It’s pathetic really. But that’s the duality of leftism in the modern age: feigning moral righteousness while actively promoting hatred and selfishness.
  13. Biden’s mere presence on the world stage invites those who would prey on the weakness of our leadership. To say nothing of the evidence he could be bought back when he was cognizant of his actions and access to him was actually worth something to foreign entities.
  14. If by “our republic” you mean “our country’s corrupt political establishment and super PAC donor class,” then I’m in 100% agreement.
  15. Don’t worry if there’s a manifesto I’m sure the FBI will release it with 100% transparency.
  16. I mean Trump hasn't missed a good chance for a photo op in over 70+ years of his life, lol. He definitely wasn't going to miss this one. Say what you want about the guy, but that photo goes hard.
  17. There's radicalized people in every political/religious group, no doubt. But you've got to really love the taste of the kool aid to think the way radical / violent extremists on the left are treated, portrayed and punished is any way equivalent to those on the right. At least in the west. If you're at all a rational or objective person, the difference is obvious.
  18. Wasn’t this guy and Hunter Henry supposed to be the next Gronk / Hernandez or something? 😂
  19. Yo that’s 4d chess level of trolling, poor guy might never recover from something like that!
  20. Gotta be Peyton Manning. During the Drought Era I was always desperate for competent football by midseason and into the playoffs, so I’d watch the Colts/Broncos to get my fix and at his peak he was definitely something else.
  21. Even during his presumably good "bass-o-matic" years, he would routinely slice close to the crossbars or "doink" them in. Most fans took the stance of "if it counts, it counts" but just going by what my eyes saw I've never felt super comfortable when he lines up to kick. This past season he just stopped getting the close ones inside.
  22. Hey now — McDermott’s clapping has directly impacted this team’s success exponentially more than the rooster’s call impacts the rising of the sun. I mean, that’s just science. 🤓
  23. This is a succinct and accurate way to describe the Bills of the last several years. There’s been dozens of games we can directly attribute to an amazing play by Josh changing the tide or outright winning it. How many games spring to mind that McD did something unique to win it for us? Most of our big game highlights of the “did they execute“ variety are not all that encouraging.
  24. To be fair, the Dolphins might have the best WR room in the league and we laugh at them anyway. 😅
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