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Everything posted by Dawgg

  1. Did you watch the games this season? Did you see the playcalling and offensive genius he displayed? Just curious.
  2. Yeah, especially the retard er I mean "Dawwg" rollercoaster.
  3. Fair enough. Perhaps Fox wasn't an option. In any case, doesn't matter anymore. I just find it peculiar that the GM/Prez on this team is handicapped financially in hiring his head coach, yet he can freely commit 5 years of GUARANTEED $ to an unproven commodity.
  4. Fox would have cost the same amount as Gregg Williams, as would Lewis (whether he wanted the job or not is another question). And if Donahoe's coaching choices were truly limited by salary restrictions, why was he allowed to sign an unproven commodity to a guranteed contract 5 years in length? To me, the salary restriction portion of it is a poor excuse.
  5. Haha I know... I must be doing something right to have reached such a status.
  6. Ah I love it when my name is used as a verb...
  7. I agree completely. Bring back WADE!!!!
  8. You are missing the point. Comparing a cubscout meeting to a SPORTING EVENT is comparing apples to oranges. Yes, they both are private functions that are happening in a public place... but it is not customary for a boy scout meeting to be comprised of people vocally shout out their displeasure. At a sporting event, it is. People boo all the time. The entire crowd boo'ed during Mularkey's intelligent pooch punt call at the Bronco's 33 that resulted in a net gain of 13 yards. By your logic, I suppose that all fans voicing their displeasure should be kicked out?
  9. Worst arguument ever. Of course management doesn't "like" the sign. But fans who pay for the tickets and pay their salaries have a right to voice their opinion. Worst argument ever... oh yeah, I said that.
  10. Receivers on both teams were dropping passes left and right, Rod Smith and Lee Evans included. All things equal, Moulds was one of the few players who showed up to play. But let's run him out of town too! This is fun
  11. Let's just run all the good players out of town! There's a solution!!!!
  12. This is an off year... but he's still a top notch corner in my book. Let's not chase yet another good player out of town. Don't forget, he did cause a fumble today.
  13. Moulds will definitely get the last laugh in all of this. Can you imagine if he went to the Pats?
  14. I love Bills fans... It's borderline comical now.
  15. Nice analogy... I love it
  16. Post of the month. Well done, JDG.
  17. Right on. Completely agree. It's not a crime to recognize someone who is actually good, even if they play in your division.
  18. Amazing how many pathetic homers there are on this board... like you
  19. This is almost comical. http://www.nfl.com/stats/leaders/NFL/PYDS/2005/regular Yeah! Brady sucks!!!!!!!!!!! JP Rulez!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Some people here just... can't.
  21. Nah, no towel needed. I'll just the cup you're using to drink the kool-aid from OBD. Welcome to reality. Brady is a top 2 QB.
  22. Brady has earned it. He's one of the all-time greats at the age of 27. Put your homer feelings aside and appreciate an athlete who beat the odds as a late round draft pick to become the posterboy for the NFL. That's what makes this country so great. Underdogs truly can shine.
  23. You do not save $11 million by cutting him.
  24. If a failure includes a championship game, I'd take that right about now
  25. So I'm a verb now?
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